Policies and Procedures

big green buttonMilitary and Veteran Obligation Policy

EMU understands that military and veteran students oftentimes have situations that arise that require an unforecasted absence in the case of deployments or military orders.

  • VA Benefit Certification

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    If a student elects to change their program of study, the student would need to update their major/minor (if applicable) with their university advisor and notify EMU Veteran Services Office of the change to prevent interruption of educational benefits.

  • Payments

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    Once an application and /or enrollment certification is submitted to the DVA, it may take 4–12 weeks to start receiving a monthly VA payment. Payment is mailed or direct deposited into the students bank account for the prior months training. Direct Deposit is not available to Chapter 35 recipients. Monthly VA payments are paid based on the following: number of credit hours the student is enrolled; residence and/or distance (online) classes; percentage of active duty served and the particular program student is participating in.
  • Advance Payment

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    New students or students who have been out of school for one or more semesters may apply for advance payment. Advance payment allows a student to request the first partial month and following month’s check at the beginning of the quarter to help pay school expenses. These checks may not be enough to cover the entire tuition for the semester; therefore, students should plan ahead if additional funds are needed. Advance payments are mailed directly to the school no more than 30 days before the semester begins. Payment is released to the student upon verification of an approved class schedule.

    To request advance payment, the student must be planning to take at least six credit hours and sign an Advance Payment Request 30 days before the payment deadline.

  • Accelerated Sessions/Flex Term Classes

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    EMU offer several classes each semester that meets less than the regular 15 weeks. These classes are called Accelerated or Flex Term classes. If you choose to enroll in an accelerated term or flexible scheduled class (es), your VA benefits may be adversely affected. Generally, the DVA will only pay benefits for the time you are actually enrolled in classes.
  • Transient Students

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    For the purpose of certifying students for their VA Educational Benefits; the institution that is granting the degree is considered the parent school and the institution that student is taking classes at with the sole purpose to transfer back to the parent school is considered the guest school.

    Students who are seeking a degree from EMU, but are taking classes at another institution to transfer back to EMU, may be certified as a transient student. In order to be certified as a transient student to the DVA, you will need to submit a copy of your current schedule of classes required for your degree at EMU; then a letter will be sent to the school Certifying Official at the guest institution.

Policy And Standards Of Progress For VA Educational Benefit Recipients

These standards have been set to ensure that each VA recipient is making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree and that all requirements are met as set forth by VA regulations.

Students must adhere to the following:

  • To collect VA Benefits you must declare a major /minor (if applicable)
  • The DVA will only pay for classes required for graduation in your declared major / minor (if applicable)
  • The DVA will not pay benefits for classes you have already satisfactorily completed including transfer credit
  • Class attendance and/or participation is required
  • VA Benefits will not pay for the career Life Planning and College Success courses since they are not required for graduation in any program (Exception: Veterans Readiness & Employment) VR&E (Chapter 31) students with Counselor approval).
  • Remedial And Prerequisite Classes

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    The DVA will only pay for classes required to obtain a degree and/or certificate in his/her declared major/minor (if applicable) including all required remedial and prerequisite courses. Remedial courses (those courses with course numbers under 100: Math 097, Math 098, cannot be certified if taken online. 
  • Academics/Grades

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    A student will be considered in good standing as long as the classes taken are required for graduation in his/her program; the student is not repeating classes already successfully completed; the student has not been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters (of enrollment) and does not earn less than a 2.0 for the semester; the student has not been Academically Dismissed by the University and does not earn a 2.0 GPA for the semester.

    Once a student has been reported to the VA for Unsatisfactory Progress, benefits will be suspended and he student will be notified. Students must reapply for their benefits by contacting EMU Veteran Services Office.

  • Reporting Changes

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    To avoid a delay, suspension, or overpayment of your VA Benefits, students must report all changes to the Military and Veteran Services Office, as stated below:

  • Prior Credit

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    DVA regulations require that all previous education (prior college) be applied to shorten the program of education pursued. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that acceptable records are submitted to EMU Admissions Office for evaluation.
  • Military Credit

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    You may receive college credit for Military Training and Schooling. USA, USN, USCG, and USMC students should formally request a copy of the Joint Service Transcript (JST) through the Joint Service Transcript website. USAF students request military transcripts through Air University (AU). Request or order official copies of your transcripts to be forwarded to EMU for evaluation.
  • Tuition and Fee Payment

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    Students who are receiving VA Education Benefits are expected to pay tuition and fees by the payment deadline date established by the University each semester, with exception to the following:

    • Students receiving Post 9/11® Benefits and have a certificate of Eligibility (COE) on file in the EMU Veteran services Office will automatically receive a deferment on tuition and fee payment until payment arrives from the VA.
    • Students participating in the Veterans Readiness and Employment, Chapter 31; the assigned case manager will ensure tuition and fee payments are made in accordance with VR&E.

Tuition Assistance Recipients

Eastern Michigan University offers many degree programs that eligible students can use tuition assistance benefits towards.  Details for Tuition Assistance (TA) programs offered to each military branch are available on the https://www.dantes.mil/ website.

Please note- the ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance program has changed.  Students will need to follow the new procedures for requesting TA from ArmyIgnitED:

  • Visit https://armyignited.army.mil/student/account/login to create a login and initiate an Education Goal.  You may only access ArmyIgnited with a CAC card.
  • Upload your Evaluated Degree Plan as part of your Education Goal.  Students can only receive TA for two courses before the Evaluated Degree Plan is required to receive additional TA.  Please visit an Academic Advisor at the UACDC to create an Evaluated Degree Plan.
  • Determine which courses you plan to enroll in for the semester and complete this Course Request Form so that EMU can ensure that it is available to select from the ArmyIgnitED portal course catalog.
  • Request TA approval from an Educational Services Officer (ESO) by submitting a TA Request.  Apply for TA no earlier than 60 days and no later than 7 days prior to the class start date.
  • Once the TA Request has been approved by an ArmyIgnitED ESO, register for approved courses at EMU.
  • EMUs 3rd party billing will receive payment on the approved TA courses after the 19% completion date for each course and will apply it to student accounts within 5-7 business days of receipt.
  • Upon graduation, students that received TA benefits should notify the EMU Military and Veteran Services Office ([email protected]) so we can certify your graduation with the appropriate TA Services Office.

Students participating in the ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance program are encouraged to check this FAQ for details on new process for requesting their TA and information about recoupments for courses that receive a withdraw (W) or failing (below a C-) grade.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

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