Editing, Saving and Publishing a Page
Step-by-Step Instructions
Edit buttons indicate what areas you are able to edit.
1. On the opened page, click the edit main content buttons for the region of the page you want to change.
2. The editable region is displayed as highlighted white box. All non-editable regions are displayed as light gray in the background. Type any desired text in the editable region using the edit toolbar to format the text. See University standards for formatting content. When you are finished editing, click the save button on the toolbar to save all edited or unsaved changes on the page.
4. Click on the preview tab to display the edited page.
5. Once you are happy with your edits, click publish.
6. Then click publish again.
7. Click on the "View in new window" tab to see your content live and check your links.
Have More Questions?
If there is an area you do not have access to that needs correction, please use the button below.