Michigan Colorectal Cancer Screening Program (MCRCSP)
Program Overview
With funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health, HAAP has shown that it is feasible to collaborate with one of the state's largest medical systems (i.e., University of Michigan) and community-based organizations to promote colorectal cancer screenings in undeserved Asian communities in Michigan. Prior long-term collaborations with a UMHS physician and with community organizations contribute to our accomplishments.
In 2006-2008, HAAP recruited more than 400 Asian American to enroll in the MCRCSP program and preform risk assessments. Based on the results, 10% of participants were shown to have above average risk. HAAP also arranged the high-risk participants to undergo colonoscopies. During the project period, HAAP was able to help those patients with abnormal findings in their colonoscopy follow up with a physician and received appropriate treatment (with one undergoing surgery). In 2007-2008, HAAP was able to help 15 patients complete colonoscopies (almost double what HAPP served in FY 2006-2007), of whom 5 had polyps/adenomas. No Cancers were diagnosed. The MCRCSP demonstrates a viable mechanism to reduce health disparities in colorectal screenings for this undeserved ;population.
For more details about the MCRCSP Results visit the studies result page.