HAAP Programs
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program 
Funded by the Michigan Department of Community Health in 2007-2008, HAAP implemented the evidence-based Chronic Disease Self-Management program,also known as Personal Action Toward Health (PATH) in Michigan
Cultural Beliefs and Cancer Screening (CBCS) Study 
The NCI-R03 study established the psychometric properties of a Chinese-English "Cultural Beliefs and Cancer Screening" (CBCS) questionnaire that measures the full range of concepts derived from prior empirical and promising theoretical work.
Empowering Immigrant Asian Americans:
Community Participatory Approach
With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the goals of this HAAP project is to promote culturally sensitive and community-led solutions and strategies toward racial healing and empowering immigrant Asian American (AA) children and adolescents in achieving optimal success
Individually-Tailored Intervention to Promote
Mammography Screening
Funded by the National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute, this innovative research study developed and tested the feasibility of using individually tailored theoretically-based intervention strategies to promote mammography screening among non-adherent Chinese-American women.
Lay Health Advisors (LHA) Program in China
and Taiwan
With funding from Susan G. Koman Headquarter, HAAP implemented an international project to increase breast health awareness and access to detection of breast cancer through trained Lay Health Advisors in under-served areas throughout China and Taiwan.
Lay Health Advisors (LHA) Program in Mid- 
Western U.S.
In 2009-2013, with funding support from Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Mid-Michigan Affiliate, HAAP reduced the health disparity for the under served and uninsured Asian American population in the Washtenaw County and Lansing area, Michigan.
Michigan Colorectal Cancer Screening
Program (MCRCSP)
With funding from the Michigan Department of Community Health, HAAP has shown that it is feasible to collaborate with one of the state's largest medical systems (i.e., University of Michigan) and community-based organizations to promote colorectal cancer screenings in undeserved Asian communities in Michigan.