Associate Professor, Electronic Media and Film Studies
School of Communication, Media & Theatre Arts
714F Pray Harrold
Brooke Dagnan is a filmmaker, editor, and experimental media artist. Her creative work focuses on documentary film production, experimental film, and interactive new media. She has worked as a publications photographer, video designer and film editor in both the creative and corporate worlds. Brooke's most recent project, Sale Barn, is a captivating glimpse into one of the longest-running auction houses in the country, a hometown-auction held weekly at the Hillsdale County Fairgrounds in Hillsdale, Michigan.
Past projects include, serving as editor of Turning Point, a documentary chronicling the lives of students at Waite High School in East Toledo, and The PIX Film Project, an interactive, experimental film kiosk programmed entirely in Max/MSP and Jitter. The PIX was invited to show at two international conferences—Re:New 2008, a digital arts forum, in Copenhagen, Denmark and at the International Computer Music Conference in Belfast, Ireland.
While at EMU, Brooke has developed an international cinema course to be offered within the general education curriculum and created a documentary production class with integrated Academic Service-Learning and Learning Beyond the Classroom components. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the Electronic Media and Film Studies Program at Eastern Michigan University and continues to work as a freelance film and video editor. From 2009 to 2010, Brooke served on the Final Programming Committee for the Ann Arbor Film Festival. Currently, she serves on the Screening Committee for the Ann Arbor Film Festival and is the Film Camp Director at the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor.