Quarter Notes

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  •  About Detroit Children's Choir Expand dropdown

    The Detroit Children’s Choir is made up more than 300 students in grades 3-12, who have a passion and love for singing. Choir members come from a variety of cities in Southeast Michigan, representing a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Youth are trained in music literacy, sight reading skills and proper vocal technique. DCC provides our students with truly unique performing opportunities through the state. The music is carefully selected to engage children in singing, including a wide variety of music of American heritage, classic children’s choral works, and texts in foreign languages. The Detroit Children’s Choir is committed to developing young leaders who will bring about positive change across our city and region.



Did you know singing is not only an art, but a science too? Many physiological processes work together to produce sound between your vocal folds! 


Five to ten minute vocal art lessons from Detroit Children’s Choir.


1. Quarter Notes - Introduction

View the playlist on YouTube or continue the series below!

 2. Quarter Notes - Body Awareness and Breathing


 3. Quarter Notes - Changing Voice


 4. Quarter Notes - Singing the High Notes



5. Quarter Notes - Pitch Matching Exercises



6. Quarter Notes - Phonation



7. Quarter Notes - Hearing How We Sound


8. Quarter Notes - Extending Range


9. Quarter Notes - Projection