
703 Pray-Harrold

Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197


[email protected]

Economics Tutoring

The Department of Economics offers free in-person and virtual/remote tutoring for 100 and 200 level economics courses. Tutoring will not be held on any days that the university does not have classes, whether scheduled, or unscheduled (see the Campus Closure Info). 

The in-person tutoring will be held in Pray Harrold room 708. Remote tutoring will be done via Zoom. Please see the tutoring schedule for the times and contact information. For virtual/remote tutoring, students just need to join the Zoom Meeting room by clicking on the tutor’s Zoom link.

Along with the tutoring in Economics Department, there is also tutoring for specific economics classes in the Holman Success Center. See the Holman Tutoring page and click on the Tutoring Schedule to find specific times for economic class tutoring. ***

Download the  Economics Department tutoring schedule [PDF].

Download the tutoring flyer [PDF].

Tutoring is available the entire semester and continues until the last day of finals. The only exceptions are on days that the university does not have classes. No classes mean no tutoring.

Our tutors are pulled from our team of Graduate Assistants.

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