Diversified Specialization

The Department of Economics at EMU offers majors and minors in economics with diversified areas of specialization. 

Our Academic Programs

The economics major prepares students to pursue career opportunities in business, government, and the non-profit sector. Students also receive an excellent foundation for success in law school, master's degree programs in business administration (MBA), and graduate study in economics and other related areas.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Economics (STEM) prepares students for career paths in the public and private sectors by providing quantitative and data analysis skills. Students completing the BS in Economics (STEM) can find jobs as data analysts in highly quantitative positions.

The BS in Actuarial Science and Economics is offered in collaboration with the Mathematics Department. The department also offers a Bachelor's of Business Administration (BBA) in Economics and a BBA in International Business with a concentration in Economics in collaboration with the College of Business.

The department also participates in other university programs, such as language and international trade, a minor in Urban Studies, and the Women's and Gender Studies program.

  • Honors Program in Economics
    The department participates in the University Honors College Program by regularly offering special honors sections of Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 201) and Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 202). All faculty members are available to work with honors students on honors contracts for individual classes, and honors theses for students who are graduating with honors.
  • Cooperative Education

    Students in the department's various programs have the possibility of combining work and academic credit through the cooperative education program. Economics majors may use cooperative education credits to fulfill their general education requirements.

    Cooperative Education placements involve working for pay at a job related to the student's academic program. These placements are arranged through the Cooperative Education Office in the University Advising and Career Development Center located on the second floor of McKenny Hall. The phone number for career services is 734.487.0400. The academic credit portion of the Cooperative Education experience is supervised by a faculty member in the department. For economics majors that is Dr. Christopher Elias.

  • More Information and Advising

Student Activities and Involvement

Students are encouraged to become involved in the Economics Club and the Women in Economics Club, student-run organizations that meet regularly to organize events outside the classroom. Students also have the opportunity to become members of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the national economics honor society.

Get Involved with the Economics Department

The Economics Department supports various events and activities throughout the academic school year to encourage students to develop in the field of economics while having fun.

Economics Tutoring

The Department of Economics offers free in-person and virtual/remote tutoring for introductory Economics classes, including Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 201) and Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 202).

Request More Information

Contact Us

Hilary Hill
Senior Secretary
703 Pray-Harrold

[email protected]
