Guiding Principle
The General Education Program at Eastern Michigan University is the core of an undergraduate education. It is general in that it provides students with a comprehensive educational experience and prepares them for participation in a global world. General Education teaches students to think critically and communicate effectively; it provides an introduction to the methodologies and practices of the academic disciplines; and it promotes intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.
- Student Learning Outcomes
- General Education Course Rationales can be found in the University Course Catalog.
In an effort to deepen our commitment to being a learner centered resource:
If a student reaches our department with a question or problem and we cannot help, we will:
- Guide that student through the necessary process(es) AND
- Facilitate contact with the relevant department or staff member AND
Continue to follow up with that student until a resolution has been reached
While we cannot always advocate on the student's behalf, nor can we guarantee a successful resolution, we will ensure that an answer is found.
For more information on our Guiding Principle and how you can implement a similar policy in your office or department, contact us.