Teaching Humanities Courses

"Knowledge of the Disciplines: Humanities" over an open book with "GEKH" below it.


Syllabus Content

GE course syllabi need to contain specific language about the General Education Area to help familiarize students with the GE aspects of the specific GE Area, your course, and how these courses fit within their whole program. Therefore, you need to include the rationale for the Knowledge of the Disciplines requirements, the rationale for your specific course to be approved as a Humanities course, and the Humanities Student Learning Outcomes in your course syllabus.

  • Knowledge of the Disciplines Rationale Expand dropdown
    "Since each discipline offers a different perspective for understanding the world, understanding anything well requires some understanding of all of them. Students employ critical thinking skills to develop questions of inquiry that reflect an understanding of different disciplinary perspectives."
  • Specific Course Rationale Expand dropdown
    To find the rationale for your course's inclusion in Knowledge of the Disciplines - Humanities go to the catalog, select the course you're teaching, scroll down to the heading "Rationale for Knowledge of the Disciplines" and copy and paste the rationale. 
  • Student Learning Outcomes Expand dropdown

     "In Humanities courses, students will:

    1. Contextualize and think critically about texts, ideas, and genres in the humanities.
    2. Use and construct arguments.
    3. Reflect on personal growth with respect to imagination, empathy, or social and political agency using the methods of the humanities.
    4. Draw connections between course content and contexts outside of the classroom using the disciplinary tools of the humanities." 


    "In Foreign Language Courses, students will: 

    1. Communicate at a basic functional level in a language other than their own native language.
    2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the relationship between culture and language.
    3. Use basic forms and structures of a language in communicating in that language."

Assessment Resources

Completing Assessment of GE Courses every semester is vital to ensuring that EMU's GE Courses are successful and that students meet the Learning Outcomes through intentional learning. Assessment is meant to facilitate evaluation of student success in reaching the intended learning outcomes of each General Education area. GE has created Assessment Rubrics for each GE Area. Students are rated as exceeding the target learning outcome, meeting the target learning outcome, or falling below the target learning outcome. Below is the Humanities Assessment Rubric which will be included in the gradebook of your Humanities course Canvas shell upon request.

The first Student Learning Outcome states that students will contextualize and think critically about texts, ideas and genres in the humanities.

Exceeds Target: Comments about texts in ways that demonstrate a sustained understanding of the text's vocabulary, arguments, stylistic features, and received meaning. Able to challenge a text's received meaning by contextualizing it among other course materials as well as original ideas, examples, and/or perspectives.
Target: Comments about texts in ways that reflect an understanding of a text's vocabulary, arguments, stylistic features, and received meanings. Demonstrates an ability to link them to other course materials.
Below Target: Demonstrates an emerging understanding of a text's vocabulary, arguments, and meanings in context.


The second Student Learning Outcome states that students will use and construct arguments. 

Exceeds Target: Successfully defends own reasoned position in light of evidence and with consideration of opposing views.
Target: Successfully defends own reasoned position in light of evidence and with consideration of opposing views.
Below Target: Begins to construct own position.


The third Student Learning Outcome states that students will reflect on personal growth with respect to imagination, empathy, or social and political agency using the methods of the humanities.

Exceeds Target: Demonstrates complex understanding of the development of imagination, empathy, or social/political agency and the concepts, theories, frameworks of field. Student reflection shows awareness of complex connections to more than one field of study or perspective of study.
Target: Reports on the development of imagination, empathy, or social/political agency in relation to the concepts, theories, and frameworks of the field. Student reflection moves beyond general descriptions of class performance, and shows awareness of connections to more than one field of study or perspective of study.
Below Target: Demonstrates emerging understanding of the development of imagination, empathy, or social/political agency in relation to the concepts, theories, frameworks of field. Student reflection begins to identify connections between personal experiences and those academic texts and ideas perceived as similar and related to own interests, but only with general descriptions.


The fourth Student Learning Outcome states that students will draw connections between course content and contexts outside the classroom using the disciplinary tools of the humanities.

Exceeds Target: Student work independently connects examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study; student work intersects with life outside the classroom in a meaningful and tangible way.
Target: Demonstrates proficient ability to transfer skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to a new situation in order to contribute to understanding of global or local problems or issues (drawn from a variety of contexts; e.g. family life, artistic participation, civic involvement, work experience).
Below Target: Demonstrates emerging understanding of how to use skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation in a new situation.


Please contact Dr. Laura McMahon, Head of the Humanities Working Group for the General Education Sub-Committee on Assessment, at [email protected] to have the above rubric included in the gradebook feature of the Canvas shells for your Humanities courses or with any additional questions regarding teaching a GE Humanities course. 

Humanities Learning Community - Coming Soon!

As an EMU instructor teaching a GE course, you will be invited to join an intentional Learning Community to meet other EMU instructors teaching in the same GE Area. These learning communities will allow instructors to develop, share, and facilitate student learning together. Look for the Humanities Learning Community in your Canvas Dashboard to get more information.