Student Organizations
Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society
EMU is home to the Alpha Beta Mu Chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta. Founded by Professor Nels Cleven at the University of Arkansas in 1921, Phi Alpha Theta is a national history honor society with more than 970 chapters and 400,000 members nationwide. It sponsors lectures, scholarships, and publications as part of its mission of promoting historical scholarship. The Alpha Beta Mu chapter was begun by Professor Michael Homel in 1984.
Phi Alpha Theta is open to undergraduate students with 12 credit hours in History with a 3.1 GPA and a 3.0 overall GPA. It is open to graduate students with 12 credit hours of History with a 3.5 GPA. (No more than three credit hours can come from online, transfer, or AP credit.) Membership is not limited to History Majors.
Members of Phi Alpha Theta are entitled to an honor cord to be worn at graduation, recognition at an annual awards ceremony, a one-year subscription to The Historian, access to numerous scholarships and awards, and opportunities to present research at local, regional, and national conferences. For more information about joining Phi Alpha Theta, contact Professor Amanda Maher.
Students' History Association
The Students' History Association is open to all students interested in history. It operates jointly with our Phi Alpha Theta chapter to sponsor events for history students. For more information, contact Professor Amanda Maher.