Contact Us
The best ways to reach us are by phone or email. Please call us at (734) 487-1018, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. If we are unable to take your call, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you soon. Find the email addresses of Advisors on our Advising page, and find the addresses of Instructors, Secretary, and Department Head below.
Department of History and Philosophy
701 Pray Harrold
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Administrative Staff
W. John Koolage
Department Head

Carissa Blount
Senior Secretary

Faculty and Full Time Lecturers
- Ashley Johnson Bavery, Associate Professor
- Robert Erlewine, Professor and Director of the Center for Jewish Studies
- James Egge, Professor
- Joseph Engwenyu, Instructor
- Mark Higbee, Professor
- Jesse Kauffman, Professor
- Frederick (Walter) Lorenz, Assistant Professor
- Roger D. Long, Professor
- Amanda O. Maher, Assistant Professor
- John G. McCurdy, Professor and Graduate Coordinator
- Mary-Elizabeth Murphy, Professor
- Richard Nation, Professor
- Steven J. Ramold, Professor
- Mary G. Strasma, Associate Professor
- John Wegner, Senior Lecturer
- Mark Whitters, Senior Lecturer
Part Time Lecturers
Emeriti Faculty and Lecturers
- George H. Cassar
- Kathleen Chamberlain
- Ronald K. Delph
- Daryl M. Hafter
- James P. Holoka
- Michael W. Homel
- Roger King
- Walter Moss
- Linda Pritchard
- Rick Rogers
- Philip C. Schmitz
- Janice Terry
- Jiu-Hwa Upshur
- JoEllen Vinyard