December 9-10, 2020 Board Meetings
NOTE: Board of Regents meetings will always be streamed live on the day of the event on the EMU YouTube Channel.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
- 1-1:45 p.m.: Education Policies Committee
- 3-3:45 p.m.: Student Affairs Committee
Thursday, December 10, 2020
- 10-10:45 a.m.: Athletic Affairs Committee
- 11-11:45 a.m.: Finance and Investment Committee
- 1:30 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting
NOTE: Personal signatures within PDF documents have been redacted to protect these individuals from electronic identity theft.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call Attendance
- Section 1 [PDF]: Proposed Minutes of the October 22, 2020 General Board Meeting
Consent Agenda
- Section 2 [PDF]: Staff Appointments
- Section 3 [PDF]: Staff Separations/Retirements
- Section 4 [PDF]: Emeritus Staff Recommendations
- Section 5 [PDF]: Emeritus Faculty and Lecturer Status
- Section 6 [PDF]: Lecturer Appointments
Regular Agenda
- Section 7 [PDF]: Presentation: Honors College Update - Presidential and Sidlik/Boylan Scholars Report
Student Affairs Committee
- Section 8 [PDF]: Report and Minutes
Athletic Affairs Committee
- Section 9 [PDF]: Report and Minutes
Educational Policies Committee
- Section 10 [PDF]: Report and Minutes
- Section 11 [PDF]: Appointment/Reappointment of Charter Schools Board Members
- Section 12 [PDF]: Fall 2020 Brickley Endowment for Faculty Professional Development and Innovation Awards
- Section 13 [PDF]: New Academic Program: Musical Theatre, BA
Finance and Investment Committee
- Section 14 [PDF]: Report and Minutes
- Section 15 [PDF]: FY22 Capital Budget
- Section 16 [PDF]: Eastern Michigan University Foundation Financial Reports (June 30, 2020)
New Business and Presentations
- Tab A [PDF]: Presentation: Innovating Student Teaching Placements During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Tab B [PDF]: Board Policy Updates
- 2.3 Contract Authority
- Emeritus Staff Status
- 3.7.7 Sexual Misconduct and Sex - Discrimination Policy
- Tab C
- Tab D [PDF]: Building Naming Approval
- Tab E [PDF]: Resolution: Mary Treder Lang
- Tab F [PDF]: Resolution: Jim Webb
- Tab G: Open Communications
- Tab H [PDF]: President's Report
- Tab I [PDF]: Election of Officers
- Tab J [PDF]: 2021 Board of Regents Meeting Dates
- Comments from the Chairman Webb and Regent Treder Lang
- Passing of the Gavel
- Adjournment