October 19, 2023 Board Meeting
NOTE: Board of Regents meetings will always be streamed live on the day of the event Go to the EMU YouTube Channel.
- 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.: Educational Policies Committee - 205 Welch Hall
- 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: Student Affairs Committee - 201 Welch Hall
- 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Finance and Investment Committee - 201 Welch Hall
- 2 p.m.: Regular Board Meeting - 201 Welch Hall
NOTE: Personal signatures within PDF documents have been redacted to protect these individuals from electronic identity theft.
- Call to Order
- Roll Call Attendance
- Section 1: Proposed Minutes of the June 22, 2023 General Board Meeting
- Section 2: Proposed Minutes of the August 21, 2023 Special Board Meeting
Consent Agenda
- Section 3: Staff Appointments
- Section 4: Staff Separations/Retirements
- Section 5: Emeritus Staff Recommendations
- Section 6: Emeritus Faculty Recommendations
- Section 7: Honorary Emeritus Faculty Recommendation
- Section 8: Lecturer Appointments
Regular Agenda
Educational Policies Committee
- Section 9: Report and Minutes
- Section 10: Faculty Tenure Appointments
- Section 11: Reappointment of Charter School Board Members
- Section 12: Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient
- Section 13: New Academic Program: Management of Innovation and Strategy (MS Degree)
Student Affairs Committee
Finance and Investment Committee
- Section 15: Report and Minutes
- Section 16: FY23 EMU Consolidated Financial Statements (June 30, 2023)
- Section 17: FY25 General Fund Scholarships, Awards and Grant Request
- Section 18: FY25 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan
- Section 19: Investment Policy Statement Revisions
- Tab A: Collective Bargaining Agreement Between EMU and the EMU Federation of Teachers Full-Time and Part-Time Lecturers Unit
- Tab B: Board Policy Updates
- 1.05: Bylaws
- 9.02: Exterior Signage Systems
- 13.01.04: Physical Facilities Capital Improvements
- 13.01.05: Physical Plant Facilities Maintenance
- 13.02.01: Building Security-Keys and Access
- 15.02: Information Technology Security and Confidentiality
- Tab C: Open Communications
- Tab D: President's Report
- Tab E: 2024 Board of Regents Meeting Dates
- Comments from the Chair
- Adjournment