GSAP Winners 2010
Chapters of Excellence
Interfraternity Council
- ΑΚΛ Alpha Kappa Lambda
- ΤΚΕ Tau Kappa Epsilon
College Panhellenic Council
- ΔΖ Delta Zeta
- ΣΔΤ Sigma Delta Tau
- ΣΚ Sigma Kappa
- ΣΣΣ Sigma Sigma Sigma
National Pan-Hellenic Council
- ΑΚΑ Alpha Kappa Alpha
- ΖΦΒ Zeta Phi Beta
Individual Awards
Interfraternity Council
- Man of the Year: David Monge, ΣΝ Sigma Nu
- President of the Year: Mattew Mortier, ΤΚΕ Tau Kappa Epsilon
- New Initiate of the Year: Mattew Rutkoske, ΔΤΔ Delta Tau Delta
- Individual Scholastic Achievement: Tyler Walz, ΣΝ Sigma Nu
- Distinguished Service by an Individual: Ryan Bogan, ΑΚΛ Alpha Kappa Lambda
- Individual Character: Jamie Linn, ΤΚΕ Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Silent Leader: William Holman, ΣΝ Sigma Nu
- Advisor of the Year: Frank Zanger, ΣΝ Sigma Nu
College Panhellenic Council
- Woman of the Year: Brittany Graham, ΑΓΔ Alpha Gamma Delta
- President of the Year: Allison Caroll, ΣΔΤ Sigma Delta Tau
- New Initiate of the Year: Marissa McNees, ΑΞΔ Alpha Xi Delta
- Individual Scholastic Achievement: Rachel Kudzia, ΣΔΤ Sigma Delta Tau
- Distinguished Service by an Individual: Jenessa Loomis, ΔΖ Delta Zeta
- Individual Character: Andrea Wolverton, ΑΞΔ Alpha Xi Delta
- Silent Leader: Courtney Pronishen, ΔΖ Delta Zeta
- Advisor of the Year: Rachel Czech, ΔΖ Delta Zeta
National Pan-Hellenic Council
- Most Outstanding Greek: Kourtney Moore, ΑΚΑ Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Neo of the Year: Antonio Smith, ΦΒΣ Phi Beta Sigma
- Distinguished Service by and Individual: Brian Taylor, ΑΦΑ Alpha Phi Alpha
- Individual Character: Ria Parker, ΖΦΒ Zeta Phi Beta
- Endless Effort Award: ΑΚΑ Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Most Improved Chapter: ΦΒΣ Phi Beta Sigma
- Fraternity Advisor of the Year: Shaftone Dunklin, ΦΒΣ Phi Beta Sigma
- Sorority Advisor of the Year: Vanessa Vaughn, ΖΦΒ Zeta Phi Beta