Students with a History of Mental Concerns
Because We Care
Eastern Michigan University’s primary mission is to provide a quality education for its students. We recognize leaving home for the first time to attend college can be a stressful transition. Because this adjustment can potentially lead to emotional issues or cause a relapse of prior mental health problems, the university provides some support services to assist students in reaching their potential.
You are encouraged to proactively address your mental health concerns prior to coming to campus. These recommendations are for students with past mental health concerns or who are dealing with issues while preparing to transition to college:
- Start planning now for a healthy transition to college. The stresses of transitioning to college may result in the worsening of your symptoms.
- Meet with your medical doctor and/or mental health professional to review medications, discuss anticipated stresses and develop prevention strategies.
- Contact CAPS for an appointment with a counselor to develop an action plan. We can provide short‐term counseling and connect with other community resources.
- Consider continuing to meet periodically with your mental health professional during your first semester rather than starting with someone new and adding to the stress and changes you are experiencing.
- Take your medication as prescribed. Be careful not to self‐medicate using alcohol or other drugs.
- Maintain or develop a strong support system of family and friends.
- If symptoms begin to recur or intensify, respond quickly rather than putting off action.
- Familiarize yourself with other campus and community mental health resources.
- If appropriate, register with the EMU's Disability Resource Center.