James H. Brickley Endowment for Faculty Professional Development and Innovation

The purpose of the James H. Brickley Award is to facilitate faculty professional development and innovation through a broad range of activities, including but not limited to, things such as: 

  • Reassigned time from teaching for scholarly, creative and innovative endeavor
  • Conference presentations
  • Travel  
  • Hiring of research assistants  
  • Purchase of special equipment or supplies for teaching, scholarly, research, creative, or innovative activities
  • Development of a grant proposal for external funding 
  • Similar or related academic activities

Special emphasis is given to innovation, such as the application of newer techniques and technologies for creating mental health programs for immigrants, providing special workshops for parents with autistic children, or working with students, parents, teachers, and community leaders in addressing drug addiction.

  • Ordinarily, the awards will be kept small so that more faculty members can benefit.
  • Newer and untenured faculty members are especially encouraged to apply to this program.
  • All applicants are encouraged also to seek matching funds from other internal and external sources.

Application Process

Applicants must submit their applications electronically, logging in with your EMU credentials.

Application portal will be posted no later than 30 days prior to deadline.

Brickley Guidelines [PDF]
Brickley Electronic Application Form


Anthony and Lois Evans generously established the James H. Brickley Endowment for Faculty Professional Development and Innovation in 2016.

Lois Evans is a retired mathematics teacher.  Tony Evans served in many administrative positions at EMU from 1975 to 1982, including Executive Vice President, Interim President, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Tony worked with former President James H. Brickley (1974–1978), for whom the endowment is named.

The Internal Research Programs are overseen by the Associate Provost and Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, located in 200 Boone Hall. Please, feel free to contact the Graduate School at [email protected] or 734-487-0042 with any questions or concerns about these programs. 

Past Recipients

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