Outside Interests/Conflict of Interest

All investigators involved in research are required to declare all financial and non-financial outside interests prior to initiating the project. 

Please contact the Office of Research Compliance, at [email protected] or 734.487.3090 with any questions or concerns.

Resources & Information

  • Policies and Procedures Expand dropdown

    Regulatory Authority

    EMU policy implements the requirements of 42 CFR 50 Subpart F and 45 CFR 94; where there are substantive differences between EMU policy and federal requirements, federal requirements shall take precedence.

    Read the EMU Outside Interests Policy.

  • Disclosure Form and Process Expand dropdown

    The Office of Research Compliance uses Cayuse Outside Interests for document submission and management for all Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and International Activities. Cayuse uses single sign-on.

    To access the Disclosure Form, use the following steps:

    1. Sign into Cayuse Outside Interests using your emich credentials.
    2. Click on your name in the upper right corner.
    3. Click on My Profile.
    4. Click on COI Disclosures in the left menu.
    5. Click on the blue New Disclosure button in the upper right corner.
    6. Check Start a New Research-Based Disclosure.

    This will take you to the Disclosure Form. A new Disclosure Form must be completed for each new activity. If you have a COI management plan, it must be attached to the online form. 

    You will receive an email confirmation once your Disclosure Form has been submitted. You must save this email as a pdf and send it to your ORDA pre-award officer with your other grant application materials.

    Your form will be reviewed, and you will be contacted for follow-up if necessary. 

    Contact [email protected] with any questions.

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