Undergraduate Research Resources

  • National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Expand dropdown

    life, physical, and social sciences, including economics and criminal and social justice

    Application deadlines vary.  Most are between February 1 and March 1

    The NSF-funded REU program is a nationwide program with hundreds of sites spread across all states and Puerto Rico.  Fellowships provide around $5000-6000 for 10 weeks of research, and often also provide housing and/or food costs. Search for programs by field of study and/or location.  

  • Perrigo Fellowship for Michigan undergraduate students Expand dropdown

    life sciences

    Application deadline is February 10

    This 10-week program provides an opportunity for undergraduates currently enrolled in any Michigan university or college to work side-by-side with world class researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute.  The program, which takes place from June 5 - August 11, 2023, provides a $6,000 stipend as well as $2,500 in housing support. Get additional details and application materials.

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse Summer Internship Program Expand dropdown

    biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences

    Application deadline is February 10

    This program is an 8-week internship at a site chosen by the successful applicant. Interns participate on a research project related to drug use, abuse, or dependence, are paid approximately $4800, and can apply for housing assistance of up to $2500 and travel up to $500. Sites are available across the country; several are available in Michigan. A priority of the program is increasing underrepresented populations in drug abuse research, but all undergraduate students are eligible to apply.

External Funding Resources

  • Michigan Space Grant Consortium Expand dropdown

    Space Grant Consortium is a national network of colleges and universities working together to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA's aeronautics and space projects by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research and public outreach efforts. See the links below for specific programs.  For more information, contact EMU Mathematics Faculty Dr. Roxanne Katus.

    MSGC Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship Program

    Fellowship awards for undergraduate and graduate students are $4,000 and $5,000, respectively. Preference is given to students pursuing projects directly related to NASA strategic interests, including aerospace, space science, Earth system science. Students working in other related STEM fields, including educational research topics in STEM, are also eligible to apply.

    Faculty Funding: Educational Support.

    GC Pre-College Education Program: This award program is designed to promote projects that encourage and enrich the study of mathematics, science, or technology for K-12 students.

    MSGC Public Outreach Program: This award program is designed to support conferences, workshops, publications, lecture series, non-technical courses, science fairs, radio and television programs, and other enrichment events that serve industry, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, children, and adults with a focus on enhancing STEM literacy

    MSGC Teacher Training Program: This award program is designed to promote innovative higher education of pre-service and in-service teacher training.

    Faculty Funding: Research Seed Grants

    Seed grants are designed to support junior faculty members. Proposals from senior faculty members initiating a new area of research are also considered. 

  • Sigma Xi Expand dropdown

    Sigma Xi is the scientific research honors society. It provides many programs in support of science including Grants-in-Aid of Research program that funds undergraduate and graduate research.

  • Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Expand dropdown
    CUR is a national organization that supports undergraduate and research and creative activities across all disciplines. They offer several travel grants for undergraduates and host Posters on the Hill each spring. EMU is an institutional member.

External Presentation Resources

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)

NCUR is a national conference that accepts abstracts from undergraduate students from any discipline. This four-day conference sponsored by CUR is held every spring.

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