For Employers

Have a job opening? Find your next amazing hire at EMU.

Eastern students and graduates can be a tremendous asset to your professional team. Beyond offering a world-class education, EMU instills in members of our academic community the critical workplace skills and character traits necessary to be leaders in their chosen field—and in life.

Using our employment portal, Handshake, employers can register for a job fair, post job openings within their company, and post events they are hosting. Handshake further enables employers by allowing them to easily schedule and manage on-campus recruit interviews.

Interested in gaining access to some of the top talent available in the region?

Request a Handshake account now.

Get Started

Already have an account? Sign-in to post a job opening.

2024/2025 Job Fairs and Events

Register by signing into your Handshake account. 

  • Internship Fair, Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 1-5pm, Student Center Ballroom
  • Teacher Job Fair, Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 2-6pm, Student Center Ballroom
  • Spring Job Fair, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 4-7pm, Student Center Ballroom   
  • College of Business Job Fair, Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 1-4pm, McKenny Ballroom, 878 West Cross Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197                       
  • Meet the Accounting Firms Fair, Friday, September 12, 2025, 1-4pm McKenny Ballroom
  • Fall Job Fair, Wednesday, November 29, 2025, 4-7pm, Student Center Ballroom

Cooperative education and internships

Cooperative education, (sometimes called an internship), is another great way for employers to take full advantage of available EMU talent. Tied to a student’s academic program and often resulting in the granting of university credit, employers may observe potential hires and assess their performance in the workplace for between 200 and 600 hours, in either a paid or unpaid capacity.

At the end of this period, employers have the option of offering subsequent placements, permanent positions or ending the work relationship at the completion of the contract. Generally, cooperative education candidates fill positions requiring specialized skills associated with a specific area of study and don't require a degree. These students will have reached at least junior-level standing and have a minimum grade point average of 2.5. To post a co-op or internship position, sign-in through Handshake or contact our office directly.

Information for Recruiters

  • On-campus recruiting Expand dropdown

    The UACDC is happy to invite employers to our campus to meet with eligible, soon-to-be graduates and alumni. On-campus recruiting can be tailored to fit the needs of your company and provides the kind of on-site context and face-to-face interaction that helps make visits more productive and successful.

    To schedule a date for an on-campus recruiting visit, please contact Temii Teliis at 734.487.4106 or by email.

  • Who’s eligible for Handshake and other EMU-related hiring? Expand dropdown

    Employers large and small—in the public or private sectors—are encouraged to participate in this program.

    Network marketing companies are not considered “employers” by the EMU University Advising and Career Development Center and, therefore, are not eligible to participate in Handshake, EMU-sponsored or related job fairs, career fairs, on-campus interviewing, resume referrals, employer presentations, or sponsorships for on-campus activities. For questions or further details, contact the UACDC at 734.487.0400.

  • Third-Party Recruiters Expand dropdown

    The University Advising & Career Development Center defines Third-party recruiters as agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment opportunities for other organizations rather than for internal positions. This includes entities that make referrals or recruit for profit or not for profit, and it includes agencies that collect student information to be disclosed to employers for purposes of recruitment and employment. Examples are employment agencies, search firms, contract recruiters, venture capital firms acting on behalf of their portfolio companies, and online job posting or resume referral services.

    Third party recruiters may utilize Career Center job listing services, participate in on-campus recruiting and attend select career fairs. They will be required to verify in advance whether they are recruiting for their own organizations or for their clients. Third-party firms who are recruiting for positions within their own organizations must clearly differentiate those opportunities from their client engagements. Failure to abide by these third-party requirements will result in loss of access to Career Center services.

    Third-party recruiters representing client organizations must:

    • Verify that they charge no fees of any kind to student or alumni applicants;
    • Identify themselves as a third-party recruiter in their employer profile and all client job announcements;
    • Provide the candidate and the UACDC office in advance with the name of the employer clients for whom they are recruiting;
    • Provide accurate position descriptions;
    • Only release candidate information provided to the identified employer in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Re-disclosure of candidate information to any other parties is not permitted.
    Notice: We reserve our right to exercise our discretion to decline any employer whose acceptance is deemed to not be in the best interest of our students. 

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