Declare Your Major
Making the right choices for your life and goals.
Will you pursue a lifelong dream or choose a career that plays to a natural ability? Do you want to work in a specialized field with serious earnings potential or earn a more versatile degree that can help you stay competitive in a fast-changing jobs market?
Decided on a major or minor and looking to declare? Go for it.
Still thinking about your options? We can help.
There are many important considerations when deciding on a major/minor. Your interests, passions, and skills will all play a role in a choice that can change the trajectory of your personal and professional life -- in ways both seen and unseen.
In short: it’s a big decision, but don’t get stressed! EMU offers Professional Career Coaches that can help you make this momentous decision in your college life.
These coaches help students and alumni with all aspects of their career development, helping them consider everything from the nuances of their personalities, to an in-depth examination of the values that will sustain them throughout the course of their working lives.
Want to talk it over with a Career Coach? Make an appointment today.