Hire a Student
Students search for employment on campus year-round. Our office uses Handshake to manage job postings. If you already have an account, post a job on Handshake. If not, register on Handshake. This is a free service for employers and job seekers.
Summer, Fall or Winter Hires
All students hired will auto terminate one pay period after the end of the winter semester each year. For assistance determining how many hours students can work based on their work study award amount, use this chart [PDF].
Hiring Process
To hire a student, departmental staff will need to request access to the epaf system.
Request Epaf Access
- Go to the EPAF site.
- Enter your netid credentials and select the epaf access option.
Read the Student Employment Policy Manual [PDF].
Verify Student Eligibility to Work
Prior to entering an epaf please verify your student is eligible to be employed on campus. The eligibility report is located in my.emich under the application administration tab.
Need to look up your student position number?
- Log in to boe.emich.edu (use your my.emich credentials)
- Choose "Categories"
- Choose "Corporate Categories"
- Choose "Finance Operations"
- Choose "Look up student employment position numbers"
- Enter your fund and org, click run
Or contact our department with your fund/org info and we can look it up for you.