The 2nd Annual Healthcare Next Generation!


Editor's Note:

A photograph of students with medical dummies
A photograph of students with medical dummies


A photo of students working on various medical exercises
A photo of students working on various medical exercises




Once again, the College of Health and Human Services partnered with the Canton Chamber of Commerce, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, and Beaumont Medical Center to offer the 2nd Annual Healthcare Next Generation event for 110 students from the Plymouth Canton School District. One strategy for combating the healthcare and human services talent shortage is by convincing more young students to enter the industry. Students enrolled in the Health Occupations or the Biomedical track at school participated in the May 17th event.

After touring Beaumont Medical Center, the students arrived at EMU at 10:00 a.m. While on campus, they participated in a Lunch and Learn session with faculty members and current students enrolled in CHHS programs. These informal sessions provided a venue for students to ask questions about our programs and our disciplines. In total, eleven CHHS programs provided hands-on learning labs for the students (Athletic Training, Dietetics, Health Administration/ Health Education/Public Health, Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Orthotics and Prosthetics, Social Work, Sport Management, and Therapeutic Recreation). Students participated in a modalities/TENs lab, role playing, modified and adapted activities for people with disabilities, push-up challenge, body fat analysis, public health poster creation, shape acquisition using plaster and scanning modalities, NFL case studies, etc.

Students also had the opportunity to tour the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor Simulation Center. During the tour, students were able to get up close and personnel with the high-fidelity mannequins used in the Center. They learned about the benefits of learning new skills via simulation, and the role that Interprofessional Education has within the college.

Forty CHHS faculty members, staff members, and students volunteered their time to help make the day a success!