Assistant Professor
Leadership and Counseling
304U John W. Porter Building
Davis Clement, Ph.D., has over a decade of experience in education, leadership, and research. He was a middle school English and History teacher in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was the Armand J. and Mary Faust Galfo Dissertation Fellow at William & Mary, and was editor-in-chief of the William & Mary Educational Review for two years. His dissertation, "Education Reform as Moral Disengagement: The Racist Subtext of the State Takeover of Little Rock School District" blended social psychology, critical discourse studies, and Critical Race Theory to examine the underlying racism in the public discourse of white policy actors in the 2015 dissolution of the majority Black Little Rock School Board. For three years, he was a postdoctoral fellow with the University Council for Educational Administration at the University of Virginia and Michigan State University. At Virginia, he taught Family & Community Engagement, Education Politics, Policy, & Advocacy, and Academic Writing. He is currently Assistant Professor of K-12 Educational Leadership at the Eastern Michigan University College of Education, where he teaches The Principalship and Education Law. Dr. Clement examines the politics of education reform in other urban school districts, especially those in red states. He also studies the use of digital simulations in the preparation of school principals; the characteristics of school climate associated with deeper learning, trust, and joy in schools; and the attributes of highly diverse principal preparation programs.