Koh, M. (under review). Elementary teacher education and credentials for inclusive education.
Koh, M. (2022). An exploration of precursors for at-risk American public schools: The comparative behavioral profiles between children with and without disailities. Preventing School Failure; Alternative Education for Children and Youth.
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2017). Education of Students with Disabilities in the USA: Is Inclusion the Answer? International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, 16(1), 1–17.
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2014). A Comparative Study of Elementary Teachers' Beliefs and Strategies on Classroom and Behavior Management in the USA and Korean School, International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(3), 18–33.
Koh, M., Shin, S., and Reeves, K. (2014). Voices of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Parents: The Case of Korean-American Parents. Multicultural Learning and Teaching
Shin, S., Koh, M., and Yeo, M. H. (i2012) Comparative study of the preliminary effects in the levels of adaptive behaviors: Learning Program for the Development of Children with Autism (LPDCA). The Journal of International Association of Special Education
Koh, M., Shin, S., and Yeo, M. (2010). The Learning Program for the Development of Autistic Children (LPDAC): The parents' perspectives on the treatment outcome, Journal of International Association of Special Education
Robertson, J.S., Koh, M. S., and Shin, S. (2009). Arts in the basic curriculum at the Brooks Museum of Art. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 2(1), 19–28.
Koh, M., Shin, S., Chung, I. S., and Reeves, K. (2009) Voices of culturally and linguistically diverse parents: a story of Korean preschool-age parents. Michigan Academia, 34(1), 11–29.
Shin, S. and Koh, M. (2008). A cross-cultural study of students behaviors and classroom management strategies in the USA and Korea. Journal of International Association of Special Education, 9(1), 13–21.
Koh, M., Shin, S, and Lewis, E. (2008). Beyond nest: Preclinical experience abroad. MATE: Issues in Education – Preschool through Graduate, 1(1), 27–36.
Koh, M., Shin, S., and Reeves, K. (2008). Korean teachers: A crisis in confidence. ESL Magazine, 63.
Koh, M. (2008). A 'map' of special education: IEP. Yukyoung Research, 5, 5–23.
Shin, S., and Koh, M. (2007). A cross-cultural study of teachers' beliefs and strategies on classroom behavior management in urban American and Korean school systems. Education and Urban Society, 39(2), 286–309.'
Koh, M. (2007). Practice teaching in urban schools: The effectiveness of special education preclinical experience in urban school settings. A book chapter. Toward Transformation: EMU Faculty Journey into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2006). The perception and attitudes of Korean immigrant parents. International Journal of Curriculum and Leadership, 6(1), 19–39.
Shin, S. and Koh, M. (2005). Korean education in cultural context. Essays in Education, 14.
Koh, M. (2005, May). Unspoken voices of Korean immigrant parents. ESL Magazine, 45.
Koh, M., Clark, K., and Shin, S. (2004). Preparing preservice teachers for inclusion. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Inclusive Education, 1(3), 25–42.
Koh, M., and Robertson, J. R., (2003). School reform models and special education. Education and Urban Society, 35(4), 421–442.
Selected Presentation
51st Annual International Conference of Learning Disability Association (2014, Feb. 19–22, Anaheim, CA). Title: Teaching non-readers to read, comprehend, and write
Learning Disability Association International Conference, San Antonio, TX (2013, Feb. 13–16) Title: Interventions to Remove Precursors of Math Disabilities: Visual-Spatial-Motor Perception for Math
Council for Exceptional Children Convention, Denver, CO (2012, April 12–14). Title: Regular Education Initiative: After 25 years' Practice
Council for Exceptional Children Convention, National Harbor, MD (2011, April 28) Title: Intervention for Medication–Free Behavior Modification Title: A Comprehensive Cognitive Therapy for Autism and Developmental Disabilities: The LPDAC Therapy Program,
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities New Orleans, LA (2009, June 9–12). Professional Workshops for three hours
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities New Orleans, LA. Title: Precursors Difficulties in Math Learning (2009, June).
Council for Exceptional Children Convention, Seattle, Washington(2009, April 104). Title: Therapeutic Strategies to Increase Sustained Attention
The 2nd Annual International Autism Training and Technical Assistance Program (NATTAP) Conference hosted by the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) (2009, Nov. 19 – 21: Columbus, OH). Title: Cognitive Therapy for Autism: The Learning Program for Development of Autistic Children
The 2nd Biennial World Council of Curriculum and Instruction (2008, Sept.: Antalya, Turkey). Title: The Issues Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Parents Face in American School Systems
Autism Society of America (2008, April: Orlando, FL) Title: A Cognitive Approach: The Learning program for the Development of Autistic Children
CEC Convention Expo (2008, April: Boston, MA) Title: The Learning Program for the Development of Autistic Children.
Workshop to the Special Education Faculty Members of Oakland University. Title: The LPDAC Program (2007, Oct. 31: Oakland University), invited presentation.
Michigan Associate of Teacher Educators (2007, Oc. 27: Bay City, MI) Title: Treatment Autism Using the Learning Program for Development of Autistic Children (LPDAC) program
Washtenaw Autism Parents Group (2007, Oct. 11: Washtenaw Intermediate School District, MI). Treatment for Children with Autism through Cognitive Therapy: The Learning Program for Development of Autistic Children (LPDAC)
EMU Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop (2007, Aug. 28: Halle Library).
Book Launch Speech (2007, Aug. 28: Halle Library).
International Association of Special Education (2007, June: Hong Kong, China) 10th Biennial International Conference: Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future Title: A Comparative Study of Classroom Management Strategies
International Association of Special Education (2007, June: Hong Kong, China). 10th Biennial International Conference: Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future Title:Preclinical Teaching Experience Abroad
International Association of Special Education (2007, June: Hong Kong, China). 10th Biennial International Conference: Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future. Title: Practice Teaching in Urban Schools
International Symposium: The Prospect and Vision of Inclusive Education (2007, Sungshin University, Seoul, Korea), Invited presentation Title: The View of American Special Education Title: Inclusion in the United States
International Association of Special Education (2007, June: Hong Kong, China) 10th Biennial International Conference: Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future
Michigan Academy (2007, March: Big Rapid, MI) Title 1: Pre-service Teachers' Perception on Reading Crisis Title 2: Urban and Suburban Schools: Do Special Education Prospective Teachers Have Different Experiences
Michigan Association of Teacher Educators (2006, Oct.: Bay City, MI) Title: The Impact of an Art Museum Educational Program on inner city school curriculum.
LDA Michigan Conference Presentation (2006, August, Lansing, MI) Title: Specific Methods to Teach Reading
World Council for Instruction and Curriculum 12th World Conference in Education: Building a Culture of Peace for a Civil Society (2006, Aug.: Manila, Phillipines) Title: Voices of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Parents. Proposal has been accepted, but not presented. Title: Academic Programs Abroad. Proposal has been accepted, but not presented Title: A Cross Cultural Study of Student's Problem Behaviors and Classroom Management Strategies. Proposal has been accepted, but not presented
Dankook University, Department of Special Education, Special Project: BK 21 Invited Speaker for BK 21 Seminar (2006, May: Dankook University, Seoul, Korea) Title: How can We Manage Students Problem Behaviors?
Sungshin Woman's University: Early Childhood Education and Educational Research Center, Invited Speaker for Seminar (2006, May: Seoul, Korea) Title: The Effects of Early Childhood Education on School Success in the United States
Chungmin Special School: Teacher Workshop. Invited Speaker for Teacher Development Workshop (2006, May, Seoul, Korea) Title: Current Issues of Special Education in the United States
Association of Seoul Secondary Special Educators. Invited Workshop for Teacher Development (2006, May: Seoul, Korea). Title: The Role of Teachers in Classroom Management
Council for Exceptional Children Convention (2006, April: Salt lake City, Utah) Title: Direct Instruction for Children at-Risk.. Proposal accepted, but not presented because of budget problems
EMU Faculty Showcase: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (EMU, MI) Title: Integrating Diversity into Teacher Preparation Program
Best Practices Conference 2006 (EMU, MI) Title; Teaching Reading: Is that Funning Thing?
Michigan Academy (2006, March: Oakland University, MI) Title:The Impact of a Collaborative Arts Program between an Art Museum and an Urban Public School District
Michigan Association of Teacher Educators (2005, Oct.: Bay City, MI) Title: Preparing Preservice Teachers for Inclusion: The Effects of Field Experience
WCCI North Chapter Conference (2005, Oct.: San Francisco, CA) Title: Overseas Teaching Practice. Proposal Accepted, but not presented because of budget problems
International Association of Special Education (2005, July: Nova Scotia, Canada). 9th Biennial Conference Title: The Perception of Immigrant Parents in American Schools
Michigan Academy (2005, March: Eastern Michigan University, MI) Title: The Perception and Attitudes of Korean Preschool Parents Regarding Educating their Children in American School System
3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (2005, Jan: Hawaii, USA) Title: Global Education and Special Education: How the Two Merge. Proposal accepted. Co-presenter presented
MWERA Mid-Western Educational Research Association (2004, Oct.: Columbus, OH) Title: Korean Immigrant Parents and American Schools
WCCI: World Council of Curriculum and Instruction, 11th Triennial International Conference (2004, July 5–9: Wollongong, Australia). Title: Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals: Globalizing the Curriculum and Strategies for Classroom Instruction
Educating Immigrant Children Conference (2004, Feb.: Indiana University South Bend)
Course Texts
Koh, M. (2022) Individualized Diagnostic Education and Behavior Shaping Program
Koh, M. (2022) Curriculum and Instruction for Diagnostic Remediation of Exceptionalities (cognitive functions and literacy and numeracy)
Koh, M. Pre-Clinical Experiences: Cognitive and Emotional Impairments
Proceeding Publications
Koh, M. (2014). USA's teaching preparation programs for k–12th education and educational system. The 2nd International Workshop Global Education and Teacher, South Korea: Jeju National University.
Koh, M. (2014).Living in a strange planet and teaching non-communicable children. TaLK Orientation Handbook, published by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), the Korean Ministry of Education, Seoul, Korea.
Koh, M. (2014). Connecting the TaLK program to Academic Aspects. TaLK Workshop Handbook for the MOU universities. Published by the NIIED, Korean Ministry of Education, Seoul, Korea.
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2007). Practice Teaching in Urban Schools: Early Field Experience in Urban Settings. Proceeding of the Conference on Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future. International Association of Special Education.
Koh, M. (2007). The Issues and Trends of Inclusive Education in the US. 2007 International Symposium: The Prospects and Vision of Inclusive Education
Shin, S. and Koh, M. (2007). A Cross-Cultural Study of Student Problem Behaviors and Classroom Management Strategies. Proceeding of the Conference on Global Challenges in Special Needs Education: Past, Present, and Future. International Association of Special Education.
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2006, October). The Impact of an Art Museum and Urban School District Partnership on Student Achievement and Teacher Art Infusion. Proceeding of the Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning "The P–K–20 Interface". Michigan Association of Teacher Educators
Koh, M. and Shin, S. (2005). Immigrant parents' perceptions and attitudes toward educating their children in American schools. International Association of Special Education, 9th Biennial Conference
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
Koh, M. (2012, Jan). EMU-TaLK Scholars Fly to the World Beyond their Nest. TaLK Newsletter: Winter Special Edition, Issue 9.
Koh, M. (2007, summer). The World beyond the 'nest'. Eastern Educator. Eastern Michigan University, College of Education.
Koh, M. Korean Parents in the United States. A Man and an Ideology. April 16, 2005.
Koh, M. (2003). Another world in the Richest Country, America. A Man and an Ideology. 2003, September. P. 166–172
Koh, M. (2002). Response to "What Is My Image as a Teacher". A Man and an Ideology, P. 172–177.
Koh, M. (1999). Response to the article titled "Children with Disabilities Have a Right to Receive Public Education." A Man and an Ideology, 1999, January. P. 196–200.
Koh, M. (2005). Korean High school teachers and their teaching profession. OhmyNews (Education Section).
Koh, M. (1/10/2003). Why American teachers are nice? OhmyNews. (Education Section)
Koh, M (1/12/2003). A school without teacher's room. OhmyNews. (Education Section)
Grants, Honors and Awards
ORD Culture of Research Excellence Awarded. Title: Teacher-Directed Program for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Educational Learning Program for the Children with Autism and Cognitive Deficits
Busan Metropolitan City Schools' Professional Development of English Elementary Teachers 2013
Busan Metropolitan City Schools' Professional Development of English Elementary Teachers 2013
Korea Ministry of Education: Secondary English Teacher professional Development 2011
Provost's Stimulus Grants for Internationalization 2011