The Impact of Racial Microaggressions Workshops


Racial microaggressions are the everyday slights, insults, putdowns, invalidations, and offensive behaviors that Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color (BIPOC) experience in daily interactions with generally well-intentioned White Americans who may be unaware that they
have engaged in racially demeaning ways toward target groups (Sue et al., 2007). These workshops are designed for faculty to effectively recognize and respond to microaggressions in the classroom and other interaction contexts in higher education settings.

Part 1: The Impact of Racial Microagressions on BIPOC Students

This workshop examined examples of common racial microaggressions experienced by students in the classroom and their impact on students’ sense of belonging, engagement, and overall success in institutions of higher education. We talked about the power-dynamics that influence faculty-student interactions in these contexts and provided strategies for faculty to recognize their implicit biases, avoid engaging in microaggressions, as well as to learn ways to effectively intervene and support BIPOC students experiencing microaggression incidents.

Click below for the video recording and transcript of the first session. When you get to the recording, you will want to bypass the first recording and move directly to the second one.  Click on the button next to the "Play" button below the video, and you should get to the second recording.

Recording of Part 1, with transcript: The Impact of Racial Microagressions on BIPOC Students

Part 2: The Impact of Racial Microagressions on BIPOC Instructors

The workshop examined examples of common racial microaggressions experienced by BIPOC instructors in the classroom and beyond. This session addressed the impact of microaggressions on BIPOC instructors’ success and retention in higher education. We discussed effective ways that can help BIPOC instructors to effectively cope with microaggressions as well as strategies for allies to effectively support their BIPOC colleagues in higher education.

Click below for the video recording and transcript of the first session. When you get to the recording, you will want to bypass the first 30 seconds of silence. 

Recording of Part 2, with transcripts: The Impact of Racial Microaggressions on BIPOC Instructors