Pre-EMU Connect Check List
Before you arrive for EMU Connect, make sure to complete the list of tasks below!
- Complete the EMU Connect module in the Online Orientation (now available)
- If you still have other modules to remaining, these should also be completed prior to EMU Connect.
- Finalize travel plans to Ypsilanti (if applicable)
- Activate your Eagle OneCard at
- Residents MUST do this prior to moving in
- This is your Eagle ID card and allows you to enter your resdience hall!
- Commuters should do this prior to arriving on campus for Connect
- Residents MUST do this prior to moving in
- Purchase parking permit at
- Permits are available for Commuters and Residents in mid-late August
- If you haven’t already, register for the Emergency Text Alert system to keep up to date on any campus closures (such as in the event of a snow day).
Download your Event Pass
To track attendance at events, Orientation will be using the Event Pass, loacted in EagleSync. Students should downlaod their Event Pass prior to checking in at EMU Connect. Please follow the steps to access your Event Pass, or use to directly access your Event Pass.
- *Students will be prompted to enter their NetID and password when using the direct link.
- Download theEagleApp! The EagleApp will be your guide to both EMU Connect, as well as your new EMU Community.
- Students will need the EagleApp to access the schedule for Connect and to check in to each event!