Professor, Coordinator for the MS in Experimental Psychology Program
361A Mark Jefferson Science Complex
Dr. Chow has broad interests in the quality and functions of interpersonal relationships among adolescents (family, friendships, couple relationships). Much of his work focuses on (1) the development of adolescents’ body image in the context of social relationships (e.g., the fat talk interaction), (2) the development of attachment styles over time, and how attachment styles may influence individuals’ adaptability to stress, and (3) how dyadic relationship quality is built upon the social support exchanges (e.g., coping, support) between members. In addition to the substantive area, he has strong interests in applied statistics for dyadic and longitudinal data, including Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM).
Schmitt, A., Hart, E., & Chow, C. M. (in press). Attachment, rumination, and disordered eating among adolescent girls: The moderating role of stress. Eating and Weight Disorders.
Hart, E., Tan, C. C., & Chow, C. M. (in press). Anti-fat attitudes and dietary restraint within mother-daughter dyads: An APIM analysis. Eating and Weight Disorders.
Domoff, S., Chow, C. M., & Tan, C. C. (in press). Mother-daughter negative body talk as moderator between self-objectification and body shame in adolescent girls. Eating and Weight Disorders.
Hart, E., & Chow, C. M. (in press). “I just don’t want to be fat!”: Body talk, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorder symptoms in mother-adolescent girl dyads. Eating and Weight Disorders.
Chow, C.M., Hart, E. & Tan, C.C. (2019). Interactive role of weight status and fat talk on body dissatisfaction: an observation of women friends. Eating and Weight Disorders, 24, 869–878.
Chow, C. M., Ruhl, H., Tan, C., & Ellis, L. (2019). Fear of fat and restrained eating: negative body talk between female friends as a moderator. Eating and Weight Disorders, 24, 1181-1188.
Ma, T., Chow, C. M., & Chen, W. (2018). The moderation of culturally normative coping strategies on Taiwanese adolescent peer victimization and psychological distress. Journal of School Psychology, 70, 89-104.
Chow, C. M. & Tan, C. (2018). Fat talk in mother-adolescent daughter relationships in relation to eating pathology and depressive symptoms. Body Image, 24, 36-43.
Chow, C. M., & Ruhl, H. (2018). Congruity of observed social support behaviors and couple relationship quality. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 62-71.
Chow, C. M., Hart, E., Ellis, L., & Tan, C. (2017). Interdependence of attachment styles and relationship quality in parent-adolescent dyads. Journal of Adolescence, 61, 77-86.
Hart, E., Chow, C. M., & Tan, C. (2017). Body talk, weight status, and pathological eating behavior in romantic relationships. Appetite, 117, 135-142.
Goldstein, M., Tan, C., & Chow, C. M. (2017). Maternal emotional feeding practices and adolescent daughters’ emotional eating: Mediating roles of avoidant and preoccupied coping. Appetite, 116, 339-344.
Chow, C. M., Homa, J., & Amersdorfer, A. (2017). Gender differences in sleep problems: The mediating role of co-rumination and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 10-13.
Tan, C. C., Ruhl, H., Chow, C. M., & Ellis, L. (2016). Retrospective reports of parental feeding practices and emotional eating in adulthood: The role of food preoccupation. Appetite, 105, 410-415.
Chow, C. M., & Tan, C. (2016). Young adult males' weight status and body image: Moderating role of friend's BMI and negative appearance conversation. Journal of Health Psychology, 21, 1597-1606.
Ruhl, H., & Chow, C. M. (2016). Empathy and peer relationships in adolescence. In H. F. Watt, & J. Panksepp (Eds.), Neurology and Psychology of Empathy (pp. 171-186). New York, NY: NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.
Chow, C. M., Ruhl, H. B., & Buhrmester, D. (2016). Reciprocal associations between friendship attachment and relational experiences in adolescence. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 33, 126-146.
Chow, C. M., Claxton, S. E., & van Dulmen, M. H. M. (2015). Testing dyadic mechanisms the right way: A primer into moderation analyses within the APIM framework. Emerging Adulthood, 3, 421-433.
Chow, C. M., Tan, C., & Ruhl, H. B. (2015). Misery loves company: A Dyadic approach to examining the effects of depressive symptoms on friendship discord. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34, 774-787.
Chow, C. M., Ruhl, H. B., & Buhrmester, D. (2015). Romantic relationships and psychological distress among adolescents: Moderating role of friendship closeness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 61, 711-720.
Chow, C. M., Tan, C., & Buhrmester, D. (2015). Interdependence of Depressive Symptoms, School Involvement, and Academic Performance between Adolescent Friends: A Dyadic Analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 316-331.
Homa, J. & Chow, C. M. (2014). Effects of attachment representations, rumination, and trait depression on co-rumination in friendships: A dyadic analysis. Journal of Relationships Research, 5(e10), 1-14.
Tan, C., & Chow, C. M. (2014). Weight status and depression: Moderating role of fat talk between female friends. Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 1320-1328.
Chow, C. M., & Ruhl, H. (2014). Friendship and romantic stressors and depression in emerging adulthood: Mediating and moderating roles of attachment representations. Journal of Adult Development, 21, 106-115.
Tan, C., & Chow, C. M. (2014). Stress and emotional eating: The mediating role of eating dysregulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 1-4.
Wiebe, D. J., Chow, C. M., Palmer, D., Butner, J., Osborn, P., Berg, C. A. (2014). Developmental factors associated with longitudinal declines in parental responsibility and adherence to Type 1 diabetes management across adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39, 532-541.
Chow, C. M., Buhrmester, D., & Tan, C. (2014). Interpersonal coping styles and couple relationship quality: Similarity versus complementarity hypotheses. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 175-186.
Chow, C. M., Ruhl, H., & Buhrmester, D. (2013). The mediating role of interpersonal competence between adolescents' empathy and friendship quality: A dyadic approach. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 191-200.
Chow, C. M., & Tan, C. (2013). Attachment and commitment in dyadic friendships: Mediating roles of satisfaction, quality of alternatives, and investment size.Journal of Relationships Research, 4(e4), 1-11.
Chow, C. M., & Glaman, R. (2013). Support-seeking and closeness across social relationships: Relationship-general and relationship-specific levels analysis. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 7(1), 88-96.
Chow, C. M., & Buhrmester, D. (2011). Interdependent patterns of coping and support among close friends. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28, 684 - 706.
Chow, C. M., Roelse, H. B., Buhrmester, D., & Underwood, M. K. (2011). Transformations in friend relationships across the transition into adulthood. In B. Laursen & W. A. Collins (Eds.), Relationship pathways: From adolescence to young adulthood (pp. 91-113). Sage Press.
Buhrmester, D., & Chow, C. M. (2009). Friendships in adolescence. In H. Reis, & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human relationships. (pp. 718-722). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.