Tamara Loverich

A photo of Tamara Loverich

Professor, Director of Clinical Training


Science Complex 341H


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., clinical psychology, University of Nevada, Reno, 2002
  • MA, community psychology, New York University, 1994
  • BA, psychology, Kent State University, 1991

Interests and Expertise

Dr. Loverich completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2002. She worked as an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Central Michigan University from 2001-2006 when she moved to Eastern Michigan University.

Dr. Loverich is very engaged in undergraduate and graduate education, research, service, clinical supervision, and practice.

Her research interests include emotion regulation and experiential avoidance broadly speaking, overeating and other excessive behaviors as emotion regulation strategies, and modern behavior therapies that address emotion dysregulation including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and other mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies. An interest in multiculturalism pervades all of these areas of study, and all are studied utilizing functional contextual behavioral theories and methods.

She has published articles, chapters, and a workbook in the areas of behavioral assessment and treatment, eating and addictive behaviors, sexual deviance, treatment for sexual self-control problems and multicultural considerations in clinical practice. Her research has shifted emphases to emotion regulation and obesity. She is no longer doing research in human sexuality.

She supervises doctoral fellows in behavioral assessment and psychotherapy, and is the coordinator of all clinical psychology practica in the community.


  • PSY 480 Psychology of Sexuality III: Atypical Sexuality and Modern Behavior Therapies
  • PSY 627and 671 Evidence-based Psychotherapies for Adults
  • PSY 672 Modern Behavior Therapies
  • PSY 888 Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Clinical Populations
  • *and a variety of professional development practicum courses

Publications and Presentations

  • Lindsey K. Bunio, Jennifer A. Battles & Tamara M. Loverich (2020) The nuances of emotion regulation difficulties and mindfulness in food addiction, Addiction Research & Theory, DOI: 10.1080/16066359.2020.1714038
  • Meagan M. Carr, Karen K. Saules, Jennifer D. Ellis, Angela Staples, David M. Ledgerwood & Tamara M. Loverich (2020) Development and Validation of the Recognizing Addictive Disorders Scale: A Transdiagnostic Measure of Substance-Related and Other Addictive Disorders, Substance Use & Misuse, 55:13, 2194-2204, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1797806
  • Lewis, M.M.; Loverich, T.M. Measuring Experiential Avoidance and Posttraumatic Stress in Families. Behav. Sci. 20199, 104.
  • Brown, K.W., Ryan, R.M., Loverich, T.M., Biegel, G.M., and West, A.M. (2011). Out of the armchair and into the streets: Measuring mindfulness advances knowledge and improves interventions: Reply to Grossman. Psychological Assessment, 23, 1014-1046.
  • Brown, K.W, West A.M., Loverich, T.M., and Biegel, G.M. (2011). Assessing adolescent mindfulness: Validation of an adapted Mindful Attention Awareness Scale in adolescent normative and psychiatric populations. Psychological Assessment, pp. [np].

Additional Information

  • Loverich Lab: 361C Science Complex
  • Graduate Students: Kate Happel Krautbauer, MS, Jennifer Battles, MS, Carly Carrasco-Wyant, Stephanie Lin, MS, Audrey Blematl, and Angela Fay.
  • Lab graduates: Matthew Poinsett,PhD,  Joohyun Lee,PhD,  Ashley Wiedemann, PhD,  Natalie Nugent, PhD, Eric Miller, PhD, Matthew Sabo, MS, Amanda Taylor, MS,  Michelle Thompson, MS, Meaghan Lewis, MS, Taylor Nezich, MS, and Lindsey Bunio, MS.