June 16, 2015 Meeting Schedule

Please note: Personal signatures within PDF documents have been redacted to protect these individuals from electronic identity theft.

Individual Documents


Tab A: Proposed Minutes of the March 17, 2015 General Board Meeting

Tab B: Proposed Minutes of the April 9, 2015 Special Board Meeting

Consent Agenda

Section 1: Staff Appointments

Section 2: Staff Separations/Retirements

Section 3: Emeritus Staff Recommendations

Section 4: Academic Affairs Administrative/Professional Appointments/Transfers

Section 5: Faculty Appointments

Section 6: Faculty Reappointments

Section 7: Faculty Promotions

Section 8: Faculty Tenure Appointments

Section 9: Lecturer Promotions

Regular Agenda

Student Affairs Committee

Section 10: Report and Minutes

Section 11: Board Policy Revision: 8.7 - Student Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal

Athletics Affairs Committee

Section 12: Report and Minutes

Section 13: FY2015-16 Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Budget

Section 14: Contract Extension: Head Women's Basketball Coach Salvatore Verdi

Educational Policies Committee

Section 15: Report and Minutes

Section 16: 2015-16 Faculty Research and Creative Activity Fellowships

Section 17: 2015-16 Sabbatical Awards

Section 18: Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Stimulus Program Awards

Section 19: New Academic Program: Spanish Minor

Section 20: Charter Schools Board Member Appointments

Section 21: Approval of 2018-2019 Academic Calendar

Finance and Investment Committee

Section 22: Report and Minutes

Section 23: FY 2015-16 Tuition and Fees Recommendation

Section 24: FY 2015-16 General Fund Operating Budget Recommendation

Section 25: FY 2015-16 Auxiliary Fund Operating Budget Recommendation

Section 26: Approval of Purchase Agreement

Section 27: Approval of Debt Financing

Section 28: Approval of Extension of University Beverage Rights

Section 29: Approval of Extension of University Apparel Rights

Section 30: Board Policy Revision: 12.1.1 – In State Classification for Tuition Purposes

New Business and Presentations

Tab C: President's Report

Tab D: Resolution: Forensics Team

Tab E: Resolution: Poetry Society

Tab F: Resolution: Carnegie Community Engagement Designation

Tab G: Resolution: President Susan Martin

Tab H: Open Communications

Comments from the Chair and Update on Presidential Search
