Strategic Goals and Benchmarks of the Faculty in the College of Education
- Enact viable and effective programs in an inclusive and equitable community of practice
- Increase enrollments and retention of students at all levels
- Increase minority enrollment in ways that build inclusive and equitable engagement of all students in our programs or courses
- Build and maintain community partnerships as integral and an essential dimensions of who we are actively seeking, forming, and maintaining deep mutually beneficial collaborative partnerships
- Encourage and strengthen the scholarly work done in the college and its dissemination
- Invest in and support student and faculty scholarship and its practical dissemination
- Engagement and purposeful sharing of ideas and insights among faculty, students, community partners, alumni, and the public at large
- Present a viable and positive image of the COE at EMU to the public and important constituencies
- Meet, reconnect, engage, and celebrate our alumni
- Purposeful marketing, recruiting, and publicity/PR with audiences of faculty, current and potential students, community and professional partners, alumni, and the public at large