Amanda Maher

A photo of Amanda Maher.

Part-Time Lecturer

Teacher Education

313 John W. Porter Building


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., Educational Studies-Urban Education, Eastern Michigan University, 2019
  • M.A., Social Studies Curriculum & Instruction, University of Michigan, 1999
  • B.A., History, Tulane University-Newcomb College, 1997


Amanda O. Maher (Assistant Professor of History and Social Studies Methods) is a
member of Eastern Michigan University’s history faculty, and she also teaches courses
for EMU’s Department of Teacher Education. Prior to her transition into higher
education, Dr. Maher acquired years of experience teaching social studies and literacy
support in K-12 classrooms both in Michigan and internationally, and she collaborated
on several elementary and secondary curriculum development projects. Her
pedagogical interests revolve around critical literacy, conceptualizations of democratic
citizenship, and how methods of place-making cultivate experiences of informed civic
action. She researches the history of educational policy and its impact on instruction,
research, and teacher education, conceptualizations of literacy, and issues related to