Professor Bishop was a Fulbright Professor (2006) on the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Sarajevo and a visiting professor (2010) at the Institute of Philology at Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University in Ukraine. He teaches courses in the areas of international and multicultural education, sociology and anthropology of education, philosophy of education, peace education, research methods, social theory and ESL. His awards include Outstanding Service Award (2013), Top 25 Education Professors in Michigan (2012) and the EMU Alumni Teaching Excellence Award (2008). He is a member of the editorial boards of four journals: філософія освіті : Наук часопіс [Philosophical Education: A Research Journal] (Ukraine), Педагогічні науки [Pedagogical Studies] (Ukraine), Educational Studies, and The International Journal of Whole Schooling and reviews submissions for those and other journals including The Bulletin of Education and Research (Pakistan). He has received numerous grants to work with educators in/from Eastern Europe, Inner Asia, South Asia and Africa.