Sandra Kreger

A photo of Sandra Kreger.

Coordinator of Clinical Experiences

Academic Services

206J John W. Porter Building


[email protected]

My Story

I am so excited to be here at EMU!!

Education: My first degree is an English degree from U-M. I then received my Ed degree at U-M, majoring in Language Arts and Math. I decided to get a masters in the physics department at EMU, primarily with our friend Bonnie Wylo. I wanted to be well rounded, I decided to take some time to further my social studies education, and ended up writing a social studies curriculum for the Ann Arbor School district.

Jobs: I grew up in Oak Park, Michigan, right near the Detroit Zoo! If you are wondering, I was able to hear the seals from certain points in my house. I have had all kinds of weird additional jobs over the years, including being a hair model for Aveda, running the Hands-On Museum summer science program, working as a stained glass artist in local galleries, and making artificial knees, hips, elbows and knuckles at a factory.

Teaching: I have taught 2nd thru 8th grades for a total of 32 years, and have led seminars for us here at EMU for many years, with topics like Student Teacher Etiquette, Communication with Your Classroom Families, Toolkit for your First Year of Teaching, and Behavior Management.

Hobbies: My hobbies include volleyball, ukulele, circuit training, gardening, running blood drives, making stained glass, and finding good Ypsilanti restaurants. I need help on that last one!

EMU: I have hit the ground running here at EMU, placing new student teachers with cooperating teachers. I am excited about learning the job with such positive and supportive staff. My favorite part so far is talking on a deeper level with EMU students, and celebrating happy cooperating teacher/student teacher matches.