Sarah Quinn

A photo of Sarah Quinn

Assistant Professor

Special Education and Communication Sciences and Disorders

106 Porter


[email protected]


● Ph.D., Special Education, University of Oregon

● M.Ed., Learning & Technology, Western Governors University

● B.S., Integrated Elementary and Special Education, University of Hartford


Sarah Quinn, Ph.D., holds dual teacher licensure in Elementary Education K-5 and Special Education K-21. She was a cross-categorical elementary special educator for eight years, with a focus on supporting inclusive academic education for students with challenging behavior and high support needs. Dr. Quinn completed her Ph.D. through the OSEP Leadership Grant: Project CO-LEAD, which focused on evidence-based practices and cultural responsiveness for students with autism. Her research and teaching interests center on preparing both special and general educators to make effective, collaborative, and inclusive instructional decisions for all students. She aims to improve meaningful academic access for students with high support needs.

Interests and Expertise

● Academic skills for students with high support needs

● Inclusive teaching practices

● Collaborative teacher education and teacher decision making

● Single-case research methodology


● SPGN 251: Introduction to Inclusion and Disabilities Studies in a Diverse Society

● SPGN 351: Inclusive Practices for Students with Exceptionalities

● SPAI 425: Instructing Individuals with Autism

● SPAI 645: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism

Publications and Presentations


Quinn, S., & Machalicek, W. (2024). IEP Meeting Facilitation Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children.

Nelson, G., Clarke, B., Kong, E., Quinn, S., Wilke., E., Kosty, D. (2024). A Systematic Review of Moderation Analyses of Initial Skill on Math Intervention Effects. [Accepted, In Press].

Newson, A., Quinn, S., & Nese, R. N. T. (2024). Examining the utilization of participatory research with autistic youth in mainstream/public schools: A scoping review. Frontiers in Education.


Quinn, S., (2024, September 4-7). A Systematic Literature Review of Randomization Procedures Used Within Single-Case Research Designs. In W. Machalicek (chair), Recent advances in single–case design methods and training. [Symposium]. European Association for Behavior Analysis.
Brno, Czech Republic.

Quinn, S., Machalicek, W., de Alwis, M., Crain, M., Lee, S. B., & Calhoun, E. (2024, January 17-19). A Meta-Analysis of Teacher Implemented Academic Interventions for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. [Poster Presentation]. Council for Exceptional Children: Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Honolulu, HI.

Quinn, S. (2023, February 19-21). Critical Features of the Physical Setting: Inclusive Contexts in Single Case Research on Academic Interventions for Students with Developmental Disabilities [Poster Presentation]. ABAI Autism, San Diego, CA.

Quinn, S., Lussier, C., Cook, M., Hermida, J., Clarke, B. (2023, February 1-3). Supporting Dual-Language Learners Mathematical Development: Lessons Learned from a Systematic Literature Review [Poster Presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA.