Message from the "iDean"
Published February 25, 2011
Winter Greetings from the College of Education at Eastern Michigan University! This newsletter is intended for alumni and friends of the College of Education. We also distribute it to faculty, staff, and colleagues involved in educator preparation at EMU. Past newsletters and publications are available in the Publications section of the COE website.
The 2010-2011 academic year has been another productive year for the College. This year's John W. Porter Distinguished Chair in Urban Education Lecture Series focuses on veterans, their families, and their communities. In the fall, the speech pathology program celebrated its 50th anniversary with alumni, friends, and emeritus faculty coming from across the country to celebrate the auspicious occasion. In addition to excellent teaching, COE faculty members have been involved in a federal earmark to provide educational services to teen parents, the development of an innovative program to prepare science and mathematics teachers with the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, hosting international scholars and international conferences, strengthening existing partnerships with K-12 schools, and numerous other service and scholarship activities.
In October, a National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiner team visited EMU to review all educator preparation programs. EMU awaits a formal re-accreditation decision from NCATE's Unit Accreditation Board in April 2011. Preliminary results from the fall visit suggest that EMU is positioned to be re-accredited. EMU is the only institution in Michigan to have 100% of its specialized programs (i.e. mathematics education, special education) recognized by professional associations through a rigorous review process.
On April 29, we continue the Courageous Conversation Series founded by former dean, Dr. Vernon C. Polite. Alumni, friends, faculty, staff, students, and K-12 partners are invited to participate in this year's conference titled, "Advocating for Students in Urban Communities: Students with Disabilities, High Achievers, and English Language Learners".
Thank you for your continued support of College of Education students, faculty and programs. I welcome your comments and suggestions.
Shawn Quilter, Interim Dean