Faculty Notes
Published June 4, 2012
Paul Ramsey (Assistant Professor, Teacher Education) was one of eight EMU faculty honored for their academic contributions to the University during the 25th annual Academic Affairs Awards ceremony. Paul was awarded the Ronald W. Collins Distinguished Faculty Award - Research I.
Sarah Ginsberg (Associate Professor, Special Education) has been named vice president of research and academic development for the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD). Ginsberg will be responsible for overseeing a variety of academic and research-related activities for the council.
Suzanne M. Dugger (Professor, Leadership & Counseling) is one of ten EMU faculty who have been awarded faculty research and creative activity fellowships for Summer 2012, Fall 2012, and the first round of Winter 2013. Suzanne's project is titled, "Foundations of Career Counseling: Completion of a Textbook Manuscript for Publication by Pearson Education".
Brigid Beaubien (Associate Professor, Teacher Education) has been invited to present by the Library of Congress in Kansas City, Missouri, on her grant "The Arsenal for Democracy: Teaching World War II with Oral Histories and Primary Documents" at the National Council for History Education.
Sally Burton Hoyle (Associate Professor, Special Education) is one of only 15 individuals nationwide invited to participate and the only Michigan representative on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). The committee consists of individuals representing people on the autism spectrum, autism advocates, parents, clinicians and researchers from across the country.
Gary E. Marx, (Associate Professor, Leadership and Counseling) was the corecipient of the Paula Silver Case Award. Dr. Marx co-wrote a case entitled "Leading Systematic Improvement: Confronting Complexity in Turnaround Schools," which appeared in the September 2010 issue of JCEL. He told the story of Betty Johnson, who had been hired to be a school district's "Turnaround Coordinator." Her job was to lead the school district's Math Turnaround Initiative, which would use grant funds for math curriculum development, professional development, and assessment.
Chris Robbins (Associate Professor, Teacher Education) and Joe Bishop (Professor, Teacher Education) presented on "Neoliberal Managerialism in Higher Education: Branding and the Erosion of Democracy in the Teacher Education Accountability Movement" at the Midwest Sociological Society's annual conference. The event took place on March 29 through April 1, 2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Joe Bishop presided over the Sociology of Education II session at the conference.
Joe Bishop (Professor, Teacher Education) was appointed to the editorial advisory board for The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies.
PowerPlay has published Volume 4, Issue 1. PowerPlay welcomes guest editor and scholar-activist Robert Simmons (Assistant Professor, Loyola University Maryland), for this issue with its focus on urban education and social justice.