Student Notes
Published June 4, 2012
Over 50 top ranking students from the College of Education attended the annual Celebration of Excellence Convocation held on March 29 of this year. This year's awards included 20 scholars from the Department of Teacher Education - including two students from the Educational Studies doctoral program. The Department of Leadership and Counseling was represented by eight graduate students, while the Department of Special Education was represented by eight graduate and four undergraduate students. K-12 and secondary education nominated nine students [PDF] from a wide variety of disciplines including music education, technology and design, and biology.
The 2012 Undergraduate Symposium took place on March 30, 2012 at the EMU Student Center. The College of Education was represented by both teacher education and special education students.
The 2012 Graduate Research Fair was held March 26, 2012 at the EMU Student Center. Graduate students from the departments of teacher education, special education, and leadership and counseling represented the COE.
Elementary education student and Early Childhood Education major LaToya Tingle was selected for the Student Leadership Award from the Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children (MIAEYC). LaToya will receive a scholarship to pay her tuition, membership in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), conference registration and expenses. "LaToya has shown great leadership potential as a student and this will give her an opportunity to be mentored by leaders in the field over the next year", said Professor Karen Paciorek.
Christina DelPizzo, an Early Childhood Education graduate student, is featured in Metro Parent as one of the top five teachers in Metro Detroit. Read the article.
The Educational Studies Doctoral Program would like to congratulate Carmen Stokes, Clayton Hall, and Johnny Lupinacci. These students are the first to have successfully completed the comprehensive qualifying exams.