Faculty and Staff Notes
Published March 17, 2015
Robert Carpenter (professor, Teacher Education) with lead author R. Simmons and co-authors J. Ricks, D. Walker, M. David, and M. Parks published, " African American Male Teachers and African American Students: Working Subversively Through Hip-Hop and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy," in volume 4, issue 2 of the International Journal of Critical Pedagogy.
Ron Flowers (associate professor, Leadership & Counseling) along with C. Luzynski and E. Zamani-Gallaher published, "Male Transfer Student Athletes and Schlossberg's Transition Theory," in volume 67, issue 8 of the Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education (2014).
Perry Francis (professor, Leadership & Counseling) presented, "The New ACA 2014 Code of Ethics: What You Need to Know as a College Counselor," at the 8th annual conference (October 2014) of the American College Counseling Association in San Antonio, TX.
Myung-Sook Koh (associate professor, Special Education) along with S. Shin published, "A Comparative Study of Elementary Teachers' Beliefs and Strategies on Classroom and Behavior Management in the USA and Korean Schools," in volume 10, issue 3 of the International Journal of Progressive Education (2014).
Christine Lancaster (director, Student Success) and Regina George (director, Office of Urban, Community, and International Outreach in the College of Education) received a $4,790 grant from EMU's Women in Philanthropy group to pilot a preparation program for the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Test (MTTC) Professional Readiness Examination (PRE). The PRE replaced the Basic Skills Test in the Fall of 2013 and is more challenging than its predecessor.
Linda Lewis-White (professor, Teacher Education), Mary Bigler (professor, Teacher Education), Jane Gordon (professor, Teacher Education), Jackie LaRose (associate professor, Teacher Education), Mary Rearick (professor, Teacher Education), Steve Wellinski (associate professor, Teacher Education), and Linda Williams (former associate professor, Teacher Education) presented, "Best Practices with Children's Texts Across Varied Format," at the 58th annual meeting (November 2014) of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers in Delray Beach, FL.
Rebecca Martusewicz (professor, Teacher Education) was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship for the fall of 2015. She will work with faculty and students at the University of Tampere in Finland. In addition to developing and teaching one doctoral course and one course in teacher preparation, Dr. Martusewicz will continue her research in EcoJustice Education, focusing on the role of education in postindustrial Finnish society. Her project is titled, "EcoJustice, Educational Politics, and Globalization: Toward Education for Diverse, Democratic and Sustainable Societies."
Toni Stokes Jones (professor, Teacher Education), is co-principal investigator with Zachary Moore (associate professor, geography and geology) for the US Department of Education Title II grant to help middle and high school social studies teachers use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to teach US history and geography.
Ann Orr (professor, Special Education) along with M. Mast published, "Tablet-based Communication and Children with Multiple Disabilities: Lessons from the Clinical Setting," in volume 141 of Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences (2014).
John Palladino (professor, Special Education) presented, "Administrative Leadership for the Mental Health Context of Disruptive Behavior in High Schools: Um…?" at the annual meeting (January 2015) of the International Academy of Educational Leaders in Tampa, FL.
Valerie Polakow (professor, Teacher Education) published a chapter titled, "Children's Capabilities and Rights in Profoundly Unequal Times," in, "Reconceptualizing Early Education and Care: Critical Questions, New Imaginaries, and Social Activism." The book is edited by M. Bloch, B. Swadener, and G. Cannella for Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.
Patricia Williams-Boyd (professor, Teacher Education) was interviewed for the MLive article, "Academic State Champs: Neighboring Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti schools not close in results of educating students in poverty."