Just-In-Time Mentoring

Welcome to the Eastern Michigan University Just-In-Time Mentoring program landing page!

This initiative allows EMU student teachers and others to connect with a veteran educator mentor regarding issues big and small that may arise during the student teaching experience.

Do you have questions about:

  • Classroom management?
  • Teaching in a virtual environment?
  • Dealing positively with parents and guardians?
  • Your relationship with your cooperating teacher?
  • Or any other student teaching issues?

If so and if you would like to participate in this mentoring opportunity, we invite you to send us an email with your question(s). Please carefully copy-and-paste this address: [email protected], being sure to use your EMU Gmail account. Emails from other accounts will not receive replies.

Upon receipt of your email, an EMU Department of Teacher Education faculty member will send you a timely—and hopefully helpful—response, generally within 24 hours (hence the program’s Just In Time moniker.)

For student teachers, your university supervisor and your cooperating teacher are of course your primary sources for advice. But all Just-In-Time communications are between you and a program mentor. That is, all Just-In-Time messaging is confidential…no one other than you and the responding mentor will even know of the exchange (unless you choose to share with others.)

To clarify, this resource is not intended to be a place for discussing any matters other than how you are doing in your teaching and for providing confidential support to help you identify steps for addressing issues.

Currently, the Just-In-Time program mentor is veteran educator Dr. Wendy Burke, Department Head of Teacher Education. Submitted email messages are directed to her.

Response emails may offer advice; they may connect you with other EMU faculty members (with your permission); you might be directed to other helpful online resources that address your issue; you might even be invited to participate in a virtual meeting with a mentor. The goal of the initiative, of course, is to help you become better prepared for a challenging and rewarding career of teaching!

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