- Africology/African American Studies - Toni Pressley-Sanon
- Accounting and Finance - Noel Brock
- Art - Phillip Cardon
- Biology - Kristin Judd
- Chemistry - Timothy Brewer
- Communication & Theater Arts - Jessica Elton
- Computer Science - Ourania Spantidi
- Economics - Svetlana Beilfuss
- English - Mary Ramsey
- Engineering - Mohamed Al-Sayed
- Geography and Geology - Bill Welsh
- Health Promotion & Human Performance - Rebecca Spragg
- Health Sciences - Sarah Walsh
- History & Philosophy - Brian Bruya
- Information Security/ Applied Computing - Bilquis Ferdousi
- Leadership & Counseling - Ron Flowers
- Management - Kunal Banerji
- Marketing & Law - Daryl Barton
- Mathematics & Statistics - Brandon Alberts
- Music & Dance - Dan Foster
- Nursing - Susan Bushinski
- Physics and Astronomy - Marshall Thomsen
- Political Science - Ebrahim Soltani
- Psychology - Rusty McIntyre
- Social Work - Caren Putzu
- Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology - Solange Simoes
- Special Education/Communication Sciences & Disorders - Lidia Lee
- Teacher Education - Mohammed Alsaleh
- Technology Professional Services Management - Tierney McCleary
- University Library - Bill Marino
- Visual and Built Environments - Suleiman Ashur
- Women's & Gender Studies - Dyann Logwood
- World Languages - Monica Millan-Serna