EMU MPA: By the Numbers

Fall 2024

  • 16 students were enrolled in the MPA program.
  • 6 new students started the MPA program.
  • 38% were part-time students; 62% were full-time students.
  • Undergraduate Institution: 56% EMU, 13% Michigan State, 31% Other

2023-24 Academic Year

  • 6 new students started the program.
  • 5 faculty members and 2 lecturers taught in the program.
  • The equivalent of 4 graduate assistants worked in the Political Science Department.
  • 9 MPA degrees were conferred.

Graduation Rate for the 2018-19 Admission Cohort

In the 2018-19 admission cohort, 21 students initially enrolled, and a total of 8 students graduated.

  • 5 students graduated within 2 years (24%)
  • 7 students graduated within 3 years (33%)
  • 7 students graduated within 4 years (33%)
  • 9 total students graduated and persisting to graduation (43%)

Student data are cumulative, meaning that the number shown in “Graduated within 3 years” includes students who completed within 2 years plus those who graduated within 3 years. Similarly, the number shown in “Graduated within 4 years” includes students who completed within 2 years, within 3 years, and within 4 years.

In the 2018-19 admission cohort, a total of 8 students graduated. One pre-service student from this cohort completed the coursework within 2 years; however, the student gained work experience and applied to graduate 4 years after completing the coursework. Another student is persisting to graduation and is expected to graduate in 2025.

Employment Sector of MPA Graduates

To learn more about where our alumni work after graduation, please visit our Careers of MPA Graduates page.