Our Academic Program
The department offers a Master of Science in Applied Economics. This program is designed to accommodate students with varied backgrounds and needs, and offers sufficient flexibility to meet the career objectives of students with various interests. The program prepares students for careers in business, finance, industry, and government services, and also provides training for students who intend to pursue the study of economics at the Ph.D. level. Together, the program can accommodate students with undergraduate backgrounds in fields ranging from mathematics and engineering, economics and business, political science, public administration and liberal arts.
About Our Graduate Students
The Department of Economics at Eastern Michigan University has about 25 graduate students who come from a variety of countries and regions of the world: China, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Middle East, Taiwan, Thailand and the U.S. Class sizes are relatively small (10 to 15 students). Given the diversity of our students and faculty, students are exposed to a great variety of economic conditions, problems and government policies.
Graduate Assistantships
The Department of Economics has several half-time graduate assistantships available that provide graduate students with financial assistance and practical training during their degree work. Current term graduate assistants are listed here. For more information, visit the Graduate Assistantship page or the following:
- Graduate School site
- Graduate Catalog site
- Graduate economics courses in the catalog
- Contact Dr. Christopher Elias, graduate program coordinator
Graduate Degrees
- Call: 734.487.3395
- Office: 703 Pray-Harrold, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
- Email: [email protected]