FDC Program Funding Proposal
About Program Proposals
Each semester, we seek proposals for sustained learning communities or seminars, or for a more involved series of workshops, or for hosting a significant one-time event (such as bringing in a prominent speaker). Our budget provides funding for such activities, and we are grateful to the Office of the Provost for their generous supplement to this funding. We are able to fund a range of proposals that can make a difference in the teaching and learning environment at EMU.
We award up to $5000 per program, which can include an honorarium for a facilitator or speaker, honoraria for participants, supplies, travel expenses, etc. This funding can enable you to make a meaningful commitment of time and resources, enabling participants to learn together, develop new skills, collaborate, and innovate. Securing matching funds would be considered positively in evaluating proposals. We are currently seeking proposals for programs that will occur during the upcoming winter 2025 semester.
Eligibility: All faculty, lecturers, and staff are eligible to submit a Program Request Form. The beneficiaries of the program must be primarily faculty and/or lecturers. Past recipients of this award are ineligible to be funded in two consecutive application cycles. Preference will be given to new proposals as opposed to those repeating past programs. Significant modifications of past programs will be treated as if they were new programs.
All applications are reviewed by the Faculty Development Center Advisory Council (FDCAC).
Applications are closed.
Example Budget for a Seminar
Previous Program Funding Recipients
Matthew Kautz & Peter Blackmer- Digital Humanities Learning Community
You Li & W. John Koolage - General Education Professional Learning Community
Zuzana Tomas & Jessica (Decky) Alexander - The AS-L Summer Institute
Julia Nims & Kate Pittsley-Sousa - Textbook Affordability Workshop
Renuka Roche - Framework for Curriculum Design
Michael Foster - Careers and Cultural Diversity Fair
Rachel Radina - YPAR in Community
Cynthia Macknish - Retreating to Write: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Towards Publication
Sara Memmott - Half-Day Media and Information Literacy Seminar
Robert Erlewine - Jewish Studies at EMU
Ron Flowers - Creating a Culture of Caring
Solange Simoes & Shiri Vivek - International Virtual Global Learning Seminar
Dyann Logwood & Sadaf Ali - Inclusive Mentoring Workshop (Phase II)
Kate Pittsley-Sousa, Julia Nims & Sara Memmott - Textbook Affordability Workshop
Andrew Ross - Inclusive STEM Teaching at EMU Learning Community
Alexis Braun Marks and Matt Jones - Teaching Using Oral History Learning Community
Barbara Walters, Elizabeth Currans, and Decky Alexander - College in Prison Learning Community
Marilyn Corsianos and Christine Hume - Navigating Sexual Violence Learning Community