Generative Artificial Intelligence Learning Community

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This learning community will span the 2025 calendar year. Its focus will be to help faculty develop their own understanding of and uses for Gen AI, in addition to developing their skills to provide leadership on this topic in their respective departments and disciplines.

We will spend the winter semester engaged in building participants’ skills with Gen AI and preparing participants to provide support within their departments. We also hope to develop resources and possible principles and guidance around effective uses of Gen AI in teaching and learning.

In the fall semester, participants from the learning community will work with faculty colleagues in their schools, departments, and disciplines in a variety of ways. We anticipate that participants will field questions about and support colleagues in developing syllabus language and course policies. We also anticipate that participants will assist colleagues with developing course assignments and activities. The time we spend in the winter semester will prepare and position participants in the learning community to be advocates and advisors for their colleagues.


This learning community is open to Faculty and Lecturers from any department, school, and/or discipline.

What are the benefits of participation for you?

  • Learn more about effective uses of Generative AI in teaching and learning
  • Acquire knowledge and skills that will help in shaping departmental and disciplinary approaches to working with Gen AI
  • Play a leadership role in helping to create a Statement of Principles and guidance for the university community regarding Gen AI and its uses
  • Learn more about what students will need to know to effectively use Gen AI in their professional fields and lives
  • Honorarium of $400, with $200 payable at the end of the winter semester, and $200 payable at the end of the fall semester.

How to Apply

Applications for this learning community are now closed.

Meetings Information

Meetings will be held on Tuesdays, from 11-12:15 PM on the following dates:

  • February 11
  • March 4
  • March 18
  • April 1
  • April 15

Meetings will be held in-person at the Faculty Development Center (109 Halle).