
1200 Oakwood Street

Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

[email protected]

To report a crime or incident that is in progress, pick up a blue-light emergency phone or call 734.487.1222 or 911

Bike Registration

The EMU Police Department registers bicycles through Bike Guard. When bicycles are registered, they are assigned a unique ID number for identification. When a registered bicycle is found or recovered by law enforcement, officers are able to identify and match the bicycle's owner by the registered bicycle tags and/or serial numbers. 

Registering is Easy

  1. Bring your bike to the station anytime and an officer can assist you. You can also contact the Community Engagement Officers at 734.487.0987, [email protected] or [email protected].
  2. Complete the registration form and an officer will affix the bicycle tags and record pertinent bicycle information.
  3. The Officer will enter the bicycle information into the BikeGuard database.

If you have questions, please contact the Community Engagement Officers at 734.487.0987, [email protected] or [email protected], or go online at BikeGuard

Bike Theft Reduction Strategies

  • Register your bike.
  • Use a high-quality U-lock to secure your bike. 
  • Park your bike in conspicuous, well-lighted places.
  • Park near other bikes, if possible.
  • Use a designated bike rack.  Avoid locking your bicycle to trees, street signs and other similar objects.
  • Personalize your bike-this can make it less attractive to a would-be thief and easier to identify if recovered. 

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