Bike Registration
The EMU Police Department registers bicycles through Bike Guard. When bicycles are registered, they are assigned a unique ID number for identification. When a registered bicycle is found or recovered by law enforcement, officers are able to identify and match the bicycle's owner by the registered bicycle tags and/or serial numbers.
Registering is Easy
- Bring your bike to the station anytime and an officer can assist you. You can also contact the Community Engagement Officers at 734.487.0987, [email protected] or [email protected].
- Complete the registration form and an officer will affix the bicycle tags and record pertinent bicycle information.
- The Officer will enter the bicycle information into the BikeGuard database.
If you have questions, please contact the Community Engagement Officers at 734.487.0987, [email protected] or [email protected], or go online at BikeGuard.
Bike Theft Reduction Strategies
- Register your bike.
- Use a high-quality U-lock to secure your bike.
- Park your bike in conspicuous, well-lighted places.
- Park near other bikes, if possible.
- Use a designated bike rack. Avoid locking your bicycle to trees, street signs and other similar objects.
- Personalize your bike-this can make it less attractive to a would-be thief and easier to identify if recovered.