Commodity Block

In the Commodity Block, you will indicate what items you are buying (commodity), and how many of each item (quantity).  Follow these steps:

Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Description field (Commodity Code field is not used).

Type a description of the item you are purchasing, be sure to include the name of the item, and the item number from the quote if applicable. The Commodity Description field holds 50 characters, if you need more room, see the Item Text section of these instructions.


Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the U/M (Unit of Measure) field.  Type EA in this field, the code for “Each”.

Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the Quantity field.  Type in how many items you’re ordering.

Press the Tab key to move the cursor tot the Unit Price field.  Type in the price for each item.

Press the Tab key again and the total amount will appear in the Extended Amount field below the Commodity Description.

To add another commodity line to the requisition, press the down arrow key on your keyboard and a new line will appear.  Repeat previous steps for all commodity lines entered in the requisition.

Click the next arrow to move to the Accounting Block section.


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