Transfer credits from other colleges and universities to EMU
Transfer Credits
EMU awards transfer credit for courses taken at regionally accredited colleges or universities, in which the student earned a grade of "C" (2.0 on a 4 point scale) or above. Find more details about our transfer credit policy.
Articulations Agreements/3+1 Programs
Following an articulation agreement allows you to ensure you're taking classes that will count toward your bachelor's degree while also earning your associate degree. Learn more about our articulation agreements.
Michigan Transfer Agreement/MACRAO Agreement
EMU participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) and the MACRAO Agreement. Earning your MTA or MACRAO certification is an efficient way to complete most of EMU's general education requirements at a community college.
Transfer Credit Equivalencies
Check out transfer equivalencies for courses from over 40 colleges and universities.
AP Credit
For available advancement placement (AP) credit, click here.