
COB Tutoring Lab

Free virtual tutoring is provided for ACC240, ACC241, and FIN350 [PDF]

Math Tutoring Lab

Free tutoring, support, and assignment assistance is provided for courses with a math focus. The Math Tutoring Lab is located in 411 Pray Harrold. Go to the math tutoring page.

University Writing Center @ the COB

The University Writing Center offers one-on-one support to all EMU students (graduate and undergraduate) to improve writing skills. Consultants are available to help you at any stage of the writing process. UWC also offers free workshops on various topics related to writing. COB students may visit the Center’s satellite location in COB Room 100 during designated hours. Go to the Writing Center site.

Video Tutorial: Financial Statement Projection

Students in MBA core course FIN 620 Financial Administration Policies are strongly encouraged to view and refer to this video as needed throughout the semester. It is a detailed (an hour and 20 minutes) example of financial statement projection. 

Video Tutorial: Accounting Principles

Any student who needs a review of introduction to financial statements and accounting terminology could benefit from watching this approximately 30-minute video.

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