Name Tags

EMU has branded name tags available to order through Stadium Trophy

The available name tag designs have been updated to match EMU's current branding. The EMU logo stands on its own on our name tags. No other logos may be used. Name tags do not use the lockup system to identify administrative or academic units. Instead, unit/department names are referenced in text on the name tag's content/information area. 

Any deviation from the available designs will be sent to the Division of Communications for approval. Legacy name tag designs that use old EMU branding will not be approved. Note: Per current branding guidelines, the university seal is reserved for use by the EMU Office of the President and Board of Regents. 

The new designs feature the block E and are available in several formats (one-line, two-line, three-line) and backgrounds (white, silver, gold). 

Please check with your school or unit leadership to see if there is a stated preference for unit consistency. 

Visit the Stadium Trophy website for pricing and information on how to place an order. 

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